Is ps4 still valid?


Its 2024 now, ps5 and ps5 slims are available, but for a person who wants a console, is ps4 still a good buy?
It definitely is old tech now, but for a person who wants an entry to the Console world, ps4 at 1round 12-15k is something they would consider. But now that the ps exclusives are coming to PC, the answer is slowly shifting to a no.

I do want to know others opinions on this, as I have someone who wants to start in the console world but doesnt want to invest a huge amount.
It's definitely a good buy for someone new to consoles, not just because of the large game library, but also because it offers a lot of value + convenience through local multiplayer games. PC can still compete in that regard, but to a lot of people (including me), local multiplayer on PC isn't nearly as convenient as it is on a TV + Console + Living room couch.

You can expect the PS5 to become cheaper in inflation adjusted terms over time, and probably upgrade to PS5 when PS4 feels obsolete (and hopefully salvage some money selling off your used PS4 even then). You'd also be better off buying a PS4 if you find out over time that consoles are not your thing.

There is also great value to the console for those not keen to play online multiplayer games, if you can find a used PS4 on 9.0 or lower FW for *ahem* reasons.
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It's definitely a good buy for someone new to consoles, not just because of the large game library, but also because it offers a lot of value + convenience through local multiplayer games. PC can still compete in that regard, but to a lot of people (including me), local multiplayer on PC isn't nearly as convenient as it is on a TV + Console + Living room couch.

You can expect the PS5 to become cheaper in inflation adjusted terms over time, and probably upgrade to PS5 when PS4 feels obsolete (and hopefully salvage some money selling off your used PS4 even then). You'd also be better off buying a PS4 if you find out over time that consoles are not your thing.

There is also great value to the console for those not keen to play online multiplayer games, if you can find a used PS4 on 9.0 or lower FW for *ahem* reasons.

Thanks for replying! I have conveyed this to my friend and he is willing to try it out. hopefully he likes it, if not I'll take it from him :innocent:
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