Its 2024 now, ps5 and ps5 slims are available, but for a person who wants a console, is ps4 still a good buy?
It definitely is old tech now, but for a person who wants an entry to the Console world, ps4 at 1round 12-15k is something they would consider. But now that the ps exclusives are coming to PC, the answer is slowly shifting to a no.
I do want to know others opinions on this, as I have someone who wants to start in the console world but doesnt want to invest a huge amount.
It definitely is old tech now, but for a person who wants an entry to the Console world, ps4 at 1round 12-15k is something they would consider. But now that the ps exclusives are coming to PC, the answer is slowly shifting to a no.
I do want to know others opinions on this, as I have someone who wants to start in the console world but doesnt want to invest a huge amount.