Is Samsung Galaxy 3 I 5801 @ 11K a good deal

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HI folks,

At 11K is it a good deal to buy Galaxy 3 or is there any other phone at that price point to consider. Never used Android before.

Heard good things about the phone except for the Screen resolution and 3MP camera.

Is the screen resolution really that bad.
There was a recent review on techtree for sub 20 devices ( Most of them arnd 13/14 street price)
Just go through it.

techno_guy said:
No the resolution is not that bad and its a good deal for 11k
you can also see spice mi 300 for 10 k
i've been using galaxy 3 i.e. galaxy apollo... for d past 2 months...

currently, its d best option in the sub 12-15k range...

screen is excellent... UI is superb.... n camera though 3MP, still d performance is never lets u down.... ;-D
It is a good phone for the price. But the build is plasticky.....

But that is the case with the high end Galaxy S as well..... So, get the phone if u don't have issues with the build quality.
It would be wiser to get moto quench xt3.

Two of my friends who bought galaxy 3 are reporting bad voice quality and reception issues. Also the odd resolution is a problem with done apps. Skype always force closes. I'm not sure whether these will be rectified in froyo update.

Visit croma or reliance digital to try both, I'm sure you will prefer quench over galaxy 3

Sent from my GT-I5700 using Tapatalk
madnav said:
Two of my friends who bought galaxy 3 are reporting bad voice quality and reception issues. Also the odd resolution is a problem with done apps. Skype always force closes. I'm not sure whether these will be rectified in froyo update.

This is odd. I didnt have any problem with voice quality and Skype works well too.
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