Is the media allowed to track people using their cellphone location if they want to?

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This article was published on the front page of TOI-Delhi on the 7th. They openly admit to tracking down Ukrainian coach Yuri Ogorodnik by verifying the location of his cellphone! Now I know that the media can get things done when they want to, but is this allowed? I'm wondering because they went ahead and mentioned it in the article:

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From the article:
Even though NIS officials were tightlipped about the coach, TOI tracked him down on Wednesday in Patiala after verifying his presence through the location of his cellphone.
Re: Is the media allowed to track people using their cellphone location if they want

Rupert Murdoch comes to my mind....mediamen are powerful n for their benift, they can turn unethical to ethical. but i dont think its just about them, if you have money and links, can get away after doing all wrong things.
Re: Is the media allowed to track people using their cellphone location if they want

Absolutely no. But it does happen and you can't help it.
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