So how does banning all imports from China help solve this problem? Before, X% of my orders would be levied customs. Now, it's 0%. Maybe this China ban has more to do with pride rather than actual economics after what happened at that border. That said, customs has gotten a lot more strict over the last year or so. It feels like the government is trying to squeeze every single taxable rupee out of every possible avenue. It is to be expected, of course, it's basis of our economy. It's just such a drastic change compared to what I was used to the years/decades before.
I have been able to get aliexpress type goods through Turkey though, so that remains an option. Just find someone shipping from Turkey on ebay or tindie or etsy or wherever. I even got a parcel from Israel of all places, bought on ebay. No customs from either of the two countries, and item value was correctly declared at under $25.