Aditya said:-.-
Rave, you have to start scrimming. I know you only want to start after your "good enough", as if your rep is at stake or sumthing -.- .....
Its a good chance for TE to get their heads down and scrim as well.
I am experiencing choke for last 4 days specially after the update or it was perfect timing for sgwars to give problems.Aditya said:^^ Thats coz of your Internet.
Karan gets 0.
I get 0 - 5.
Choke was only yesterday. (It was a Server issue, its all fine now).
I havent enjoyed Source so much in my life
If youd care to notice, the Gameplay and Recoil is so much better. Its identical to 100 Tick recoil, even on a 33/66 Tick server.
funky said:Been observing how adi, rave, mask and aks play for last 2 days. will try to practice that in game in comming days