iTunes Alternative

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itunes is just bugging me like anything, i use iphone and it asks me to upgrade firmware version and all to work fine, pls suggest me a good alternative for itunes which is not so resource hungry and also does the job of uploading music and videos easily..
anish_sha said:
itunes is just bugging me like anything, i use iphone and it asks me to upgrade firmware version and all to work fine, pls suggest me a good alternative for itunes which is not so resource hungry and also does the job of uploading music and videos easily..

Here is a list of itunes Alternative, they are all free
For Windows system:
Yamipod: Yet another iPod manager - Downloads
Aimersoft: Free iPod Copy Manager - copy music/video/movie between iPod & computer
Sharepod: SharePod
iDump: iDump - Free software downloads and reviews - CNET

For Mac OS X:
Yamipod: Yet another iPod manager - Downloads
Floola: - Wiwi - Home
EphPod: EphPod - iPod for Windows (and Linux) :: DOWNLOAD
Check out the Zune software. It does this magic trick with album art, makes your computer screen look stunning!
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