JetKVM Group Buy

At least we're getting discounts on shipping, or else it'd be no. of products ordered x $19 (assuming you're shipping to the US). Right now, it's flat $19 for upto 35x jetKVMs, 10x ATX control board extensions and 10x DC power extensions. Only the Serial Control boards are shipped separately and attract $19 shipping each. Please let me know if I understand it correctly?
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Reactions: Pauljacob
Thanks for confirming, filled out the google form. With the way @anmolbhard004 freight forwarder works where they charge us per box, maybe we can treat each Serial Control board as a single entity with $19 delivery (each) while the rest of the products share a common $19 delivery fee (assuming everything else is shipped in the same box). I can also help with US based CCs to save on forex/exchange fees, if any.