JetKVM Group Buy

At least we're getting discounts on shipping, or else it'd be no. of products ordered x $19 (assuming you're shipping to the US). Right now, it's flat $19 for upto 35x jetKVMs, 10x ATX control board extensions and 10x DC power extensions. Only the Serial Control boards are shipped separately and attract $19 shipping each. Please let me know if I understand it correctly?
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Thanks for confirming, filled out the google form. With the way @anmolbhard004 freight forwarder works where they charge us per box, maybe we can treat each Serial Control board as a single entity with $19 delivery (each) while the rest of the products share a common $19 delivery fee (assuming everything else is shipped in the same box). I can also help with US based CCs to save on forex/exchange fees, if any.
Ok Guys an update on the shipping cost for the JetKVM. If we order 35 units the approx. shipping weight will be 13kg. So the total cost for using the freight forwarder service (incl. customs and shipping) to India will be 8 USD per unit. After that you will need to pay for local shipping from my place.
Thanks for the clarification. Count me in. Please let us know about the payment methods, deadlines etc. I'm assuming these orders are for the Feb batch, right?
Thanks for the clarification. Count me in. Please let us know about the payment methods, deadlines etc. I'm assuming these orders are for the Feb batch, right?

Cool make sure you've filled the form. This is for the Feb batch. Payment for the JetKVM and add-ons must be made once I place the order. After the package reaches me, you will need to pay the shipping, consolidation and customs charges (approx USD 8 per JetKVM).

Currently we are at 26 units so if anyone is yet to fill the form then please do so, and those that want to update the quantites please do so now. Reaching 35 units will help us minimize shipping costs. I plan on going forward with the order on Jan 15.
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There are add on accessories like the atx controller board which allows you to turn on your PC remotely and DC control board which let's you turn on a mini pc. Serial is useful if you want to connect ups or switch. These are optional...
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