Okay folks, I'm going to keep this short simple and crisp. But before I start , certain points you should read :-
1) No, Gautam did not pay me 50 bucks to do this review.
2) No, I am not gay, the pink phones are for my girlfriend.
3) What I am going to say is my opinion, the constitution guarantees me that. :rofl:
Got these from pristine note, a bout 3 days back. With about 4 different invoices and a warranty card and delivered in two days flat !
Accessories - Just an extra pair of foam tips nothing else, I think these are an open box deal or something. Nevertheless, after I heard them , I couldnt care less about any other thing.
Build Quality : Wow, you're actually reading ?!

Okay here goes, pretty darn lightweight since they're made of plastic. Somebody mentioned the cable is short, I personally feel it is not so for those using it with a PMP or laptop. The cable is standard pvc types, not too fragile not too sturdy, just perfect for the half grand. However for those amazing vibrant colours , these are going to give your skullcandies a kick.
Sound : These small dudes are fantabulous ! I mean I plugged them in expecting something on the lines of a PL 11 or a less bassy/boomy version of the beloved EP 630. But I was blown away and I am not exagerating, okay maybe I am cause they were for 500 bucks

, but on a serious (pristine) note

, the bass on these is GOOD ! The bass goes deep, creates the vibration/thump I enjoy in my music. The first track I heard was an uplugged cover of Time of your life, sounded nice. The "A" and "E" strings from the guitar sounded brilliant . The vocals are decent, not really a stand out but neither a put down. Next track , Beautifull by Eminem, this song has an intro in the begining , with just male vocals, after about 20 seconds the music enters with a thud, that is when I started judging them and bass was really awesome. Not the boomy, lifeless , hollow kinds but the deep , punchy kinds. A little slow I think but then I dont expect half as much for something at that price. The highs are not laid back , if you enjoy only and only highs , rather save up for the Pl 30 , but if you want clear/non shrill highs with good bass quantity, these are your thing. I PERSONALLY think the bass was more than what was on my RE 2 , ofcourse the detailing is not close but then if you hear the JVCs alone, it is hard to find one sect/layer/strata of the song which they produce badly. My favourite part was the bass ,but I can not complain that the high/mids/vocals are not upto the mark. All in all , I am going to buy an IEM for about 8k very soon, but tommorow I am going to be paying up for my pair of the Marshmallows to tag them along when I have to stuff them in my pocket while travelling in the metro/or when Im scared of losing my stuff.
Recommended Over :-
1) PL 11/21
2) PL 30
3) Ep 630
4) Meelectronics M9
Ofcourse if you absolutely need a mic then look elsewhere.
Last but not the least , a big thank you to Pristine Note (Gautam) for bringing this outstanding product within the reach of this aweosme community.