K-lite Causing Nightmares!

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Ok here are a number of things you can do to remove pesky programs and revert to default codecs.

Firstly you can use directshw filter manager to see which codecs are broken and then disable/unregister them, and under the troubleshooting tab click on Restore DirectX codecs.

1.uninstall all installed codecs.

2.re-install default windows codecs - link here re-install/install latest directx

3. using chart from above link - (see below) go into Device Manager and expand "sound, video and game controllers" > double click on Video codecs and remove anything not on list above.

Do the same thing for the audio codecs.

The following table lists the codecs included with Windows:

Manufacturer Model

DSP Group TrueSpeech Software Audio Codec

Intel Indeo R3.1 Video Codec

Indeo R3.2 Video Codec

Microsoft Audio codecs ADPCM Audio Codec

CCITT G.711 A-Law and u-Law Audio Codec

GSM 6.10 Audio Codec

IMA ADPCM Audio Codec

Microsoft Video codecs RLE Video Codec

Video 1 Video Codec

Radius Cinepak Video Codec

Now install a Directshow package as either suggested above, or also ffdshow as I also suggested. If you use codecs that are a little outside the norm for most people like ogg or flac, I would suggest installing the codec by itself manually as the directshow filters will cover all of the basics like divx xvid etc.....

If none of this works, try installing/reinstalling latest service pack
If nothhin works install filemerit and set the values of those codecs you wanna use to a higher no.it always works for video codec screw ups don't know whether it will work for audio.
u need u install full all code package latest version 4.3.4 full install not standard

i don't have any problem at my code package where i can play 720-1080p movie smooth no issue at my old version 4.00
PiXeLpUsHeR said:
here you go
Try DirectShow Filter Manager or Radlight Filter Manager

Seriously there is really no need to install all of the superfluous extras from k-lite. Since the biggest proponent of k-lite is ffdshow, it only makes sense that if you just install ffdhow then most of your codec needs are covered.
Thanks mate .. But can u tell me how to play RMVB and certain WMV formats .. I have like 10-10gb of stuff in RMVB and WMV and cant play any of it with KM Player and VLC .. Codecs are default+ones installed by the KM and VLC ... KM player isnt able to find the codecs required to play those files bty
apextwin146 said:
Thanks mate .. But can u tell me how to play RMVB and certain WMV formats .. I have like 10-10gb of stuff in RMVB and WMV and cant play any of it with KM Player and VLC .. Codecs are default+ones installed by the KM and VLC ... KM player isnt able to find the codecs required to play those files bty

Did you try all of the things I recommended above :) and did you re-install DirectX (a biggie for the probs you are having with wmv) also try installing windows media player 9 codec pack from Microsoft.

As far as the RMVB I am not too sure as I don't use it... perhaps installing just the specific codec needed to play back that file type.
apextwin146 said:
Thanks mate .. But can u tell me how to play RMVB and certain WMV formats .. I have like 10-10gb of stuff in RMVB and WMV and cant play any of it with KM Player and VLC .. Codecs are default+ones installed by the KM and VLC ... KM player isnt able to find the codecs required to play those files bty

RMVB is actually a Real Media file. Install Real Alternative and you are good to go.
PiXeLpUsHeR said:
Did you try all of the things I recommended above :) and did you re-install DirectX (a biggie for the probs you are having with wmv) also try installing windows media player 9 codec pack from Microsoft.

As far as the RMVB I am not too sure as I don't use it... perhaps installing just the specific codec needed to play back that file type.
I didnt knw that Direct X could be responsible for this ? I will try and get the new version .. I have vista so i am assuming i have WMP 9 codec pack .. I will try and report back .. Thanks for the help man
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