Need help in deciding one among the above 3 phones.Cam is the priority so obviously K790i seems to be the better option but how is the audio quality on it and also does it come with the same type of earphones as the ones that come with the walkman series?
Also can we flash the k790i into a walkman phone?
Pls suggest any other models if needed.Budget arnd 10k maybe add another 1-2k.
Wats the capacity of the memory card that comes with the k790i?Is it advisable to buy a fake memory card and how much does a 2GB M2 card cost both the original and pirated ones?Pls reply ASAP!
Also can we flash the k790i into a walkman phone?
Pls suggest any other models if needed.Budget arnd 10k maybe add another 1-2k.
Wats the capacity of the memory card that comes with the k790i?Is it advisable to buy a fake memory card and how much does a 2GB M2 card cost both the original and pirated ones?Pls reply ASAP!