Kalyway 10.5.2

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Gaurish said:
installed it today.

QE/CI is not working

Audio is not working

USB is not working

System specs:

Please help

try NVkush for Video : -

DiaboliK's Helpful Files

Do delete your previous kext before installing and repair permissions before restart.

Assuming realtek audio, this should work:-

AppleHDA Solution - Work in progress - InsanelyMac Forum

Just drag the dump file into patcher and it will run automatically, do not run and then drag. (i did that :P)

no idea about USB sorry :(
Sorry for digging an old thread... but didnot want to make a new thread either....

Anyways i have installed Kalyway 10.5.2, it said installation successful...restarted and went to Windows Vista Directly!

i have even set the Mac partition as active...even then i cant just boot in to Leopard....

The EXACT Same thing happened with iDeneb V1.3 10.5.5 aswell.

This is my System Config:


Abit IP35E

Seagate 320gb SATA (Vista is installed on this)

WD 6400 AAKS SATA (Installing Mac on this drive)

XFX 9600 GT

Auzentech Xplosion
Follow the following that might work...

U need to have the MAC HDD on SATA port 4 or 5.

U need to set ur BIOS to boot from the MAC HDD.

If above 2 are true then check this further

is the WD HDD single parition or is it partitioned?

is the MAC partition a PRIMARY one ?? u can't boot off a logical drive in extended partition.

Can u send a screenshot of ur disk management layout to make sure?
Awesome, which drive have you set for booting first?

Its the vista drive...Change the drive to the leopard one

Ie, on boot select the wd640 for booting..Best luck..
Thanks a lot for those replies guys..

I have changed the 1st boot drive to the Drive on which leopard is installed,and started the PC and got the error "HSF+ Partition Error"

Iam attaching the screenshot of my harddisks taken from Paragon Partition Manager.

Been trying to install leopard from long long time...this time i am not going to giveup untill iam successful in installing it :)

I got past that HFS error but getting a new error while booting!

"Still waiting for root device"

Damn now to get past this ...?
shashank_re said:
I got past that HFS error but getting a new error while booting!

"Still waiting for root device"
Damn now to get past this ...?

This error only comes up if you don't have appropriate kexts installed for your SATA/IDE devices or you have selected to install multiple kexts for SATA/IDE or chipset when you customize the install.
shashank_re said:
^^For that reason i haven't selected anything during the customisation.
Just the default options..for all

The default options don't work with every config, post your config along with your sound and ethernet controller make, along with a screenshot of the customize options you see and i'll let you know what's gonna actually work for you.
copy all *SATA* kexts from your installation medium to your /System/Library/Extensions, assign proper ownership and permissions and then clear kext cache..you should be good to go for your next boot..
^^Where do i find SATA Kexts in DVD? Anyways i am attaching the screenshot of DVD folder aswell.


This is my System Config:

Intel E8400

Abit IP35E

Seagate 320gb SATA (Vista is installed on this)

WD 6400 AAKS SATA (Installing Mac on this drive)

XFX 9600 GT 512MB Graphics Card

Auzentech Xplosion 7.1 Sound Card


Iam attaching the pics of the customization menu.Please tell me which all i need to select.







^^ Boot from the medium..select terminal and go to /Volumes/<Volume Name>/System/Library/Extensions..You will find all your kexts there..
There are instructions in simple words on leo4all official site..Specifically for "waiting for root device" error!!
/Volumes/<Volume Name>/System/Library/Extensions

What is "Volume Name"

I googled about the "waiting for root device" error got 100s of results but none of them worked for me.

BTW Which is the OFFICIAL leo4all site? i found 3-4 sites!
"cd /Volumes" in terminal and do a "ls" to see the volume names. These are names assigned to drives (partitions as well as CDs/DVDs)..Remember the volume names corresponding to the installation media as well as partition you install leopard on..

then, in terminal,

cp -R /Volumes/<Volume Name of DVD>/System/Library/Extensions/*SATA* /Volumes/<Volume Name of partition you installed Leopard>/System/Library/Extensions/

chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/*SATA*

chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/*SATA*

rm -R /System/Library/Extensions.mkext

rm -R /System/Library/Extensions.kextcache


hope its clear now...

If this does not work, one last option could be for you to re-install OS X and select "GUID partition table" instead of "MBR" during installation!

If it doesnt work even after that, I guess your hardware will not work!
When i type those commands in terminal,it says "No Such file or directory" after *SATA*

That means some spelling mistake near *SATA*.

Actually do i have to type *SATA* or just SATA ??

BTW i am getting the same message even after typing SATA instead of *SATA* .
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