Kalyway 10.5.2

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shashank_re said:
When i type those commands in terminal,it says "No Such file or directory" after *SATA*
That means some spelling mistake near *SATA*.
Actually do i have to type *SATA* or just SATA ??

BTW i am getting the same message even after typing SATA instead of *SATA* .

cd /Volumes/<Volume Name of DVD>/System/Library/Extensions/

and then ls (to list directory contents)

Do you still get that message ?
Thanx dafreaking ... sorry for being so friggin lazy :P

anyway tried to install it , formatted the install partition with fat using disk utility, after that it checked the dvd media and started install but then I'm getting an error
The installer could not install some files in "/Volume/OS"

is it a problem with the DVD or should I have selected some other type of file system with journaling while formatting the partition ??
I have gigabyte GAMA78GMS2 board, I installed this and unable to get display work in full resolution and no audio drivers installed, anybody can help me regarding ATI3200 display drivers and ALC888A audio HDA drivers.
shashank_re said:
^^Where do i find SATA Kexts in DVD? Anyways i am attaching the screenshot of DVD folder aswell.


This is my System Config:

Intel E8400

Abit IP35E

Seagate 320gb SATA (Vista is installed on this)

WD 6400 AAKS SATA (Installing Mac on this drive)

XFX 9600 GT 512MB Graphics Card

Auzentech Xplosion 7.1 Sound Card


Iam attaching the pics of the customization menu.Please tell me which all i need to select.








Alright, make sure the partition you are installing OS X on is a Primary partition and not a logical drive in an Extended partition.

Do a fresh install, boot the DVD with "-v" and as soon as the GUI installer starts open up Disk utility and erase the partition you want to install Leopard on using "Mac OS Extended Journaled"

Close the Disk utility and proceed with the install.

Customize your install with following options, uncheck everything except these.

Check Additional Fonts.

Check X11.

In Patches 10.5.5 Ready:

Check the appropriate kext for your Onboard Audio.(Auzentech wont work)

In Chipset, Check ICHX fixed.

Check only 9.2.2 SSE3 kernel.

Check the appropriate Network Controller Kext.

In Fix: Check Mac Pro Bios in Apple SMBios.

In Video: Select Nvinject 512MB.

Select all the Applications.

Anyways you should try kalyway 10.5.2/iPC 10.5.6, these works smoother with P35's and the software updates are pretty much straightforward as well.
I have done as you have told..

1st tried iDeneb v1.3 selected the options as you told,it installed...restarted....and got a new error "Your computer needs to be restarted press power button...... " in different languages.

When i used -v to check the problem,i found that system stops after

"PX40: family specific matching fails"

Then i installed Kalyway 10.5.2.everytime it used to give some error during installtion,but this time it installed succesfully and restarted.And guess what ... the same NEW problem!! "Your Computer needs to restart......."

Now whats the solution for this....?????
I've installed Kly 10.5.2 on ip35-e with simple ICHx fix & drivers a 100 times without a single failure. I don't know what is so hard in it....
can anyone gimme a rapidshare link for downloading MAC OS.. i just wanna try it out on my AMD 64 pc before buying a MACBOOK.... i never worked in any MAC os,,,,,
Revolution said:
How to burn the DVD ?
I have 'Kext' folder and the image.
How to add 'kext' on the dvd ???

You don't need to add kexts', they are already on the DVD, sometimes after the actual install few kexts are needed to be replaced to resolve some issues, thats what this folder is about.

I have done as you have told..
1st tried iDeneb v1.3 selected the options as you told,it installed...restarted....and got a new error "Your computer needs to be restarted press power button...... " in different languages.
When i used -v to check the problem,i found that system stops after
"PX40: family specific matching fails"

Then i installed Kalyway 10.5.2.everytime it used to give some error during installtion,but this time it installed succesfully and restarted.And guess what ... the same NEW problem!! "Your Computer needs to restart......."

Now whats the solution for this....?????

That's the kernel Panic you're getting, most of the times it occurs when you select multiple kexts that offer the same functionality, try booting with some other kernel.
Ipc OSxs works great for me.Though i have the latest Beta Driver for Audigy 2 still there is a cracking sound.
Moreever there is still no decent Atheros 5700 Native support.
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