Killzone 3 - Discussion thread

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It appears the videos are stuttering due to the heavy bit rate. Pausing for a while and playing resolves it.
stormblast said:
i think its a problem with the 22gb. the 41gb is proper.

i should have the 41gb tonight so will give it a try tomorrow :)
I saw comments against both of them actually. Keep us updated Rahul. :)

PS: Not sure if you recall, you were the first here to get the KZ2 CE back then. And it actually released in India before it did anywhere else. :P
Alright so took a day off today, fired up the game today morn and everything seems to better what KZ2 had to offer. :D

The game picks up exactly where KZ2 concludes. Emperor of the Helghast empire Scolar Visari is now dead at the hands of Rico and the ISA prepares to evac the rest of the troops when a surprise attack from the Helghast fleet destroys the ships. The ISA troops are now battling to evacuate Helghan after regrouping whatever is left of them. Once again we enter into the boots of Sev accompanied by Rico. The standard issue from KZ2 returns.

Impressions: The combat system has been refined, the cover system a la Gears of War and Vanquish returns, the graphics has been improved by several leaps - no frame drops observed here! and the best of all - the melee combat! Melee kills are more brutal and gory now and Sev can employ several techniques to bring down a Helghast soldier in close quarters including pulling a combo! Slit a throat, bang the head on the wall or the nearby crate, stab the cranium, snap the neck etc among others. Mounted arms such as the turret can now be ripped apart and carried by Sev albeit they have limited ammo. Sev and Rico can help each other when wounded in an emergency when the health drops down beyond the point of regeneration. Ammo is plentiful and is scattered throughout the Helghan empire in crates. No Helghast insignia noticed by far.

Few in-game movies seemed to lag a bit, probably owing to the high bit-rate. But this should hardly be a concern since pausing the game for a moment will resolve it.
the gfx in the earlier levels seem very average to me. even aa seems to be worse than kz2.

lets hope the latter levels are better.
@Rahul: Yet to complete the fist chapter - Evacuation Orders. I am at Broken Highway ATM. :)

AA is worse than KZ2? I am yet to spot any jaggies on the screen! If my memory serves me right, KZ3 uses the same MLAA technique used by GOW3. Despite the game running at 720p and later being upscaled to 1080p on my display, I can't notice any jaggies here.

@Dinesh: :bleh:
I think that i have nearly completed half of the game. My impression till now :
1> Gfx is hell lot better than KZ2.
2> Found the gameplay and the combat system to be better when compared to KZ2.
3> The storyline is gr8.

Hope to finish the game today once i reach home from office.
The chapter wherein Sev rides the EXO with Rico was fcuking epic! It was a massacre all around with the unlimited ammo on the mounted mini-gun and the RPG! :ohyeah:
I fired KZ 2 again at Veteran difficulty. I am really enjoying more this time around, taking my sweet time to clear hostiles and enjoy the scenery. Listening to the dialogues properly to understand the story .

I m now really digging for KZ 3. I hope the campaign doesn't disappoint and I get the game on day 1. I am tired of seeing ppl playing it already.:@
Just completed it. The single player campaign is indeed short - I clocked roughly 4 hours 8 minutes on the Recruit difficulty, adding up all the best times for each chapters. And all I can say is Guerrilla isn't just done with this title. We are going to have KZ4 in another couple of years' time. Yay! :D

Fcuking epic sequel. Loved every bit of it. The storyline was pretty much straightforward unlike the previous title and it appears Guerrilla has got it right this time with the vehicular combat, the level-design, revival, voice-acting, cut-scenes, the in-game soundtracks among others. The game holds no re-playability value unfortunately.

9 chapters altogether and unlike the previous title, there wasn't any boss fight towards the end which was kind of disappointing. I was expecting heavy opposition a la Visari's castle in the previous title.
dinjo said:
How about the set piece battles better than KZ2 ?
Yes. There are very few of them if I may add. Your companion Rico is not with you at all times due to a twist in the plot. Better still, this time we have a good opposition.

Sadly there are only 2 heavies in the entire game! I loved facing the heavy. :(

Seems like Guerrilla got inspired from one of the chapters in Modern Warfare (the black op assassination of Zakhaev level wherein Price and MacMillan sneaks into Pripyat with the sniper rifles). :P

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Forgot to add another brutal melee kill - squishing both the eyes of the Helghast with the fingers and the blood spurts out. Loved it. :D


And trophies are a lot easier in this title compared to the first so raking a Platinum should be easy. Got 23 of 52 trophies in the very first playthrough. Most of the rest are MP trophies.
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