According to the latest Android distribution figures computed by Google, 24.5% of Android devices are using Android 4.4.x, also known as KitKat. This is up from the 20.9% of Android models sporting KitKat last month. The version of Android most in use is Android 4.1.x, with 25.1% of Android devices powered by the build. Over all, 53.9% are using Jelly Bean, which covers Android 4.1.x to Android 4.3.x. That is off from the 54.2% that Jelly Bean powered last month.
After Jelly Bean and KitKat, Gingerbread (Android 2.3.3 to Android 2.3.7) is next covering 11.4% of Android devices (down from last month's 13.6%). To show you how old that build of Android is, consider that the final update to 2011's Motorola ATRIX 4G was Android 2.3.6. And yet, you can find this build on better than one out of every ten Android powered devices. Ice Cream Sandwich, accounting for Android 4.0.3 and 4.0.4, is on 9.6% of Android phones and tablets. That is off a full percentage point from the reading of 10.6% that this build garnered last month.
Google put together these readings from Android devices that visited the Google Play Store, for the week that ended September 9th.