Lan Party at SKOAR 06 , Bangalore

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heh,That's a concern as well. Maybe the lan party is in reality an anti-piracy raid that will be conducted once we're all in.:O
Well, if we can take our comps back..its quite ok...I am on for it.
I m playing NFS MW,Quake 3 & might be CSS(i suck at that :().Guyz confirm as soon as possible. We will mail then.
I'm skeptical about events like these, and last year's reviews were not great so I'll pass...
If we have the LAN Party at Chaos's house before that, then I am not going.
If no LAN Party then we can go.

:clap: My 200th post....:hap2:
And even that is doubtfull. Chaos said he would confirm by today or tommorrow if he has to go out of station or not this weekend.
i'm in for lan pary @ chaos house or the skoar....but how will the teams for FPS games be decided....CSS is a team based,& so is quake & stuff...:huh:
Input quickly guys...
Sandy said:
Are you bringing your system? i am free on the 8th :D do i need to get my monitor?
partcipating?? which i'm ready for a team event...unless they check for the authenticity of the software....;)
BTW Guys, IT Depot will be setting up a stall at SKOAR.

Apparently they will be handling the Big Screen gaming with their Monster rig that consists of an FX-57 and X1900XTX Crossfire Setup. So you guys can go check it out - anand64 has done an awesome job with the watercooling setup, and the general look/design of the cabinet, it looks pretty neat :hap2:

Yours truly was given the task of overclocking the FX-57 + OCZ Gold (UTT-BH chips) , sadly being an OC n00b with the Asus A8R32-MVP I could not wring out much out of the combo :bleh:

Mr. Shunmugavel of IT Depot also mentioned that they'll have a couple of products on display - so if any of you guys are interested in buying anything, just mention that you're a TE member and you'd get discounted rates. :)
^^How much did u manage out of it :P? Benchies please :D. Don't tempt me lol... I already spent too much this month.
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