Laptops Laptop at Sea


Hi All, this is my first post in tech enclave and I really hope to benefit from the guru gyaan available here. Now, I need to get a laptop for my brother who is in the merchant Navy and needs some entertainment when he is sailing the sea. His primary requirements are –

  • Decent screen (for movies, videos etc), 250GB+ hard disk for storage, a processor that can play mid-end games, and a web cam (though he can also use an external USB cam).
  • This will pretty much be what he’ll end up using his laptop for…
  • Now since he’ll be on a ship, the laptop isn’t going to move much… it’ll be stationary in his room, so battery life, size is not a big issue
  • Should not be very delicate
  • The price that we are looking for is around 30-35k (can be extended a little)

would appreciate the help
I'd suggest the Acer 4736z incase you are looking for somethin smaller.

or else if size is not an issue i think 5736z shld do the job.

i'm using Acer 5738z and really happy with the performance.

i'm not into gaming much so have no clue what kind of games it can play.

other than that its an amazing thing.


Acer Aspire 5738z – Price,Specs

the 4736z is exactly like the 5738z..just that it comes with a 14" screen

i got the acer 5738z for 27.5K frm lamington mumbai a month back
If you can find Panasonic Toughbook its the best best for rough weather, will work even with water being sprayed on it :p

Not sure if its available in india though.
Toughbooks are built to last but prices are crazy. Definitely not in the 30-35 K range.

archish said:
If you can find Panasonic Toughbook its the best best for rough weather, will work even with water being sprayed on it :p
Not sure if its available in india though.
Get Dell Studio 15 or 14. Since your brother will be moving from country to country incase of any repair he'll need a laptop with good intl. warranty. Dell is the best when it comes to servicing.
Take my advice - tell him to buy it from Europe/far east/America whenever his ship docks at a port over there. This is what my cousin did (chief off in a tanker) and he ended up buying a crazy powerful 15" Asus (that isnt even available here) at a dirt cheap price.
Just Wondering since Dell is providing onsite warranty and the guy being in Merchant Navy, will be on ship, will Dell service the machine on high seas?