Large Capacity HDD's (6TB-20TB)

OT, but could you please point me to a few sources or explain why?

My reddit searches only talk about the end user being stupid or careless and not about the interface itself. I'm currently running such a setup and hence wondering.

there are many, it's common knowledge that the USB interface is not as reliable as SATA or NVME.
Source 1:
Source 2: ChatGPT

Source 3:
TLDR If you are using the enclosure and HDD inside it as just a disk with data i.e. no RAID of any kind, and manually backing it over to another disk. You should be fine with using USB Enclosures for storing your data and making it available on the network. but if you want to do a RAID or ZFS or whatever anything that requires maintaining parity on multiple drives then you should be looking at a NAS or DIY solution and not USB enclosure.
Can confirm that USB enclosures can be unreliable. The drives I got were incorrectly showing SMART data issues when checked with an Orico enclosure. But I have them plugged in directly using SATA for around two weeks now and have had no issues so far.