Android LG G Pad 8.3 tablet?

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@phoenix844884 buddy I know about it and had considered it long back but @alekhkhanna has also faced some battery bug issues and has returned the tablet
Since b&n have closed their hardware section it's almost dead with no chance for repairs at all
@ayaskant12 @phoenix844884
Got my Nook HD+ replaced by the seller. Still to open and check the tablet as I'm out of the city atm. But according to the seller, this was the 1st time he had an issue with Nook HD+. Nevertheless, I agree that B&N will be shutting it's hardware shop for good soon, so if you want warranty, you gotta look elsewhere. But again, at around 10-13k (depending on where you look), there's no way one can get a better VFM device !
29k retina mini will be 16gb right?

A major pros of the LG tablet is the micro sd slot, many a times i miss that feature. Recently i was travelling and took some pics on a camera (a micro sd card with SD adapter)
I had not taken my laptop with me, I so much wanted to take the micro sd out and put it in Nexus & to see the results on the bigger screen but .....
The main reason for rooting the nexus 7 was also to enable the OTG and LG supports it OOB as told by users, stock rom is also not hanging or rebooting.

I would have definitely liked to buy the ipad mini retina as it comes closest to being perfect but right now the LG G PAD looks second closest to me!![DOUBLEPOST=1384922912][/DOUBLEPOST]Has the ipad retina been launched in india and if yes its pricing?[DOUBLEPOST=1384923148][/DOUBLEPOST]
You can always use Apple's Camera connection kit to view photos from SD Card on ipad
Nexus 7 2013 16gb Wi-Fi
@ayaskant12 @phoenix844884
Got my Nook HD+ replaced by the seller. Still to open and check the tablet as I'm out of the city atm. But according to the seller, this was the 1st time he had an issue with Nook HD+. Nevertheless, I agree that B&N will be shutting it's hardware shop for good soon, so if you want warranty, you gotta look elsewhere. But again, at around 10-13k (depending on where you look), there's no way one can get a better VFM device !

Rather VFM would be Nexus 7 2013 16gb Wi-Fi, even on eBay it's going for 17500 and you can get another 1000 cut of applying coupons
though 9inches is the catch and again between 8.3 and 9 there is a drastic jump like going from 7 to 8

but it's stillagreat tablet nonetheless with CM available
@srkmish please dnt pile on any more expense older the overpriced IPad!!
my 125rs otg cable will perform much more than a 2000rs cable
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Nexus 7 2013 16gb Wi-Fi
Rather VFM would be Nexus 7 2013 16gb Wi-Fi, even on eBay it's going for 17500 and you can get another 1000 cut of applying coupons
though 9inches is the catch and again between 8.3 and 9 there is a drastic jump like going from 7 to 8
All depends on preferences. I, for one, cannot do with a 7inch. Plus expandable memory on Nook HD+ is a boon.
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@alekhkhanna you are absolutely correct but i can't judge how it handles pdf and if cyanogenmod is bug free or not coz from the reviews on YouTube, this thing really stutters
Handles PDF just fine. You obviously have the option to use 3rd party apps !
I haven't used CM with it as the stock supposedly gives better idle sleep.
See, why i keep repeating myself is of your requirement. Which is almost similar to mine.

Reading and Video(Utube, Prime etc) is my primary usage also. 7" doesnt make sense for this. No matter how good the screen is. And also, seeing my phone are pushing 5". the 7" is not a upgrade or a form factor I desire.
It just lays around. I spend way too much amount on this tablet novelty. If i have to use it, it has to be 10". I decided. Then went on with picking one. See most tabs are heavy and not easy to use in 1 hand. Still I bought 3 of em.
None were high end. But "under priced heavy weights". And coupled with Android, it ruined the experience for me. Some screens I didnt like, Some had lag issues for me(just for me), Some battery just sucked. The experience is not something i didnt want to repent. Anyways, whenever a tablet comes, I see it compared to ipad. So this time I though will check it out.

The display I dont have to say more. Its the benchmark now. Battery, easily 3 days with mild usage. Wifi including. I dont use much apps, I dont. Just the ones I want. So i even checked for paid ones, as its a one time investment.
But for comics cloud reader came highly recommended and free. The file transfer was also easy for me. And this comes from a guy who hate itunes. Youtube and Amazon Prime has native apps. so that also done. TE, also. :D.
So does ebay. Usage experience is far ahead of android in tablets. I have to admit that.

Now comes the main factor for me. And you. The form factor. It hard to believe this is a full size tab. Its light and manageable. You know, like natural. My brain doesnt allow me to prop something in my hand for long time. Nor does it for anyone I believe.
We will find a comfortable position for sitting or lying down. And the ipad complements it very well. I dont know how to say it otherwise, it doesn't strain my hand that much or most times at all. This is purely my personal experience. They did make it light enough as a 7" current gen tabs with a full screen. I have a full body protector, I am afraid to put this in a case as it will make it heavy. Or will go for one with easy removal. Well I did, Logitech folio.

You are also just like me. I feel. you review it like hell in online forums, videos and what nots and jump the gun. And in the end will get bored and just throw it away.:(. I have a long list of items(My useless download rig, NEVER USED Sony DVD Handycam, PS Vita, Paperwhite kindle, this one perhaps i didn't give a chance yet, JBL Flip is a waste...utter waste) with me like that.Not coz they are bad, but they dont suit my needs and time. But I am sure ipad is not making that list.

No wonder every tablet got ipad to beat or get compared to. And am not a iFan. But its hard to ignore the obvious advantages this thing gave me and not to sing praises for it.

My iOS experinces are with iPod Touch 5th Gen 32 GB and iPad Air 32GB Wifi.
What can I say. I used/owned all of those devices, Nook HD+ just in shop, I feel ipad is the lightest in hand. Epiphany for me rather than earth shattering I would say. Although i got your sarcasm.
haha I dont understand why you are shitting this whole thread with ipad ipad ipad...just open a new thread if you want to start a flame war...or suggest the OP the pros and cons of an 8" tablet not the 10" you have been on and on about
I have used the Note 510. It is basically a Note 8 with calling ability. If you can find one second hand, you can try that too. I had bought one for just 19k. Internals are that of an S4 but the screen at 1200x800 is a let down. I found 8" to be a perfect size. It didn't feel too big or heavy, yet provided a very good reading experience.
I think you should go ahead with this purchase. If you don't like it you can always flip it over here. Look out for good deals for like new pieces on eBay. That's how I bought my N10 for cheap. Even I am looking for a tablet but I need one for a centre console mod I am attempting in my car so most probably will stick with a 10" or who knows maybe even a Windows hybrid device.
Am looking to get the G Pad this holiday season too. I am hearing a lot of good things about this from androidcentral and forum.xda.
And yes the 8.3" is the perfect size, the only reason why I'm avoiding the much better Vfm Nexus 7(2k13).
Apparently almost every hardware suffers from a blue line issue on the screen, nothing that would deter me from buying it.

NewEgg has it in stock for a slightly reduced price, perfect time to get I believe.
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