LG P500 Discussion Thread

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krishnandu said:
Nope, just download the APK and install it.
Have u rooted using this apk? Is it possible to unroot in the future if I want to? In the forum, it explain to format the Sd card and insert...is it okay if we format and then paste the apk file? Also, can we use another sd card for rooting purpose and then replace with the current one?
Well, yes I've already rooted using that APK, and I don't remember if it allows you to unroot. Read comments on XDA for that.

You don't need to do anything, don't need to remove / format sd card or anything else. Just download the APK, transfer it to your phone, install and open the app. and root. That's it.
krishnandu said:
Well, yes I've already rooted using that APK, and I don't remember if it allows you to unroot. Read comments on XDA for that.
It has an option to unroot IIRC. :)

BTW, guys try out the leaked new and improved Google Music 4.0.1. for ICS. Also CM 7.1.0 is out.
Sorry mate but I don't use the phone for audio/video much. I am just hoping for some battery improvement (I use voice calls a lot)
I think this may have been already answered somewhere in the previous pages but still... :ashamed:

Does the P500 have issues of Dust entering the screen??

Yes and LG acknowledges the problem and depending on your luck service center can replace the front panel or touchscreen, I had mine replaced.

And all service centers will surely get it cleaned for you as well, but that's a temporary solution

Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk
Kneo said:
New update for LGP500 (v20c). Updated without any glitch via the LG Update software
Hi,I tried to update.Bt, I got the message that the phone is running the latest version!! even though it is v20B..I had PC suite installed..checked new phone update..it installed one lg mobile update...then I selected india and done...no new updates :( plz help

I was one of the worst sufferer of dust problem as within 3 months i had to visit the service center twice.(bought in may, went in june and aug). they did some stupid sticker solution and problem kept coming back within weeks.

I didnt want to give up and shot a detailed mail to LG saying this is not the way a phone manufacturer should treat its customers if it has any survival plans for india, and result was immediate(i must say LG is serious about India operations indeed)

I got almost 2 calls every week asking me to visit direct service centers and get the problem permenently rectified. i did not want to visit any more unless they gave a solution other than the sticker one.

So finally i got a call saying that they will replace the front panel and that should solve the problem. went and got the front panel replaced. Hoping that my misery ends here.

I have 3 P500 in my close relation, and i am the only one suffering. so i think not all P500 have this problem. but in case you have, shoot a mail to LG support and push for a front panel replacement. sticker solution is well, like a patch work on our indian roads. it does not work!!!:ohyeah:
I think I have a small problem.

When someone calls, the caller ID is displayed on screen. But at this time, the proximity sensor does not work. Only after I have accepted the call is the proximity sensor activated.

Due to the proximity sensor being disabled, while taking the phone out from my trouser pockets, lots of times I mistakenly touch the screen and the call is rejected even before I can get the phone out. And sometimes the call gets rejected by its own due to the clothing touching the screen(though this should not happen actually. But I have seen this happen with my phone)

So I am trying to find out if it is a problem with the custom ROM I am using or is it the standard feature of P500?

I am using OpenOptimus 1.172
I thought this forum is not active as I didn't get any response for a very long time :( Anyway, I updated to v20C and its sucks!!!!can't able to video ..using mxplayer, it will play...but lags a lot....In the stock video player, I'm not able to see anything, though I can hear the sound...After the video is over, the video player will force close..any suggestions ?
Stable version yet to be released but nightly release has huge battery drain,proximity sensor problem along with usual camera problem,these are collected information and i have not personaly tested since it will only works on new baseband

Wow can't wait for ics port.. Any reviews on the official Cm7 build?
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