PC Peripherals Logitech MX518 v/s Logitech G5?

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MX518 for 2.2k in India, any day better than a laser mouse. Read this if you need conclusive data on why I'm recommending the MX518 over G5 or any laser mouse.
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i have been using a Razer Krait since 10months which has the MX518 sensor & it is amazing :D

so it is a blind choice now Go for the MX518 for 2.3k from India :)

laser mice are simply not worthy of the extra money :no:

by saving 1k you can easily buy a Steelpad QCK Gaming Mousepad too :ohyeah:

stay away from Razer too i have very small hands that is why iam tolerating my Razer Krait which has a Left Click problem :ashamed:
Udit said:
stay away from Razer too i have very small hands that is why iam tolerating my Razer Krait which has a Left Click problem :ashamed:
Stay away from Razer for the right reasons, one of which is their mice don't last very long so you'll find yourself buying a new mouse every year ;)
Ok, then MX518 seems to be the better choice. Is it necessary to get a good mouse pad too for MX518? How much does it effect the gameplay?

I am thinking of getting MX518 from U.S.
Well yes, get a decent pad... it's a personal preference really, I love cloth mousepads and have been using the fatal1ty pad for over 2 years now. I've tried the Mantis pads and they suck, no matter what people say about them. They're basically Everglide pads but I don't know what Razer did to funk the pads up so bad.
well if you are an fps gamer, and play on low sensitivity mx 518 is the mouse for you. but for general gaming usage g5 is pretty good too.

but whatever you go for get a decent mousepad, steelpad qck or qck mini would do, even the el cheapo surface 1030 mousepads selling for 20-50 bucks would be great.
Lol.. Lots of Razer Bashing going on here?

4got RMA? Lol.. My CH did konk of after a year, but thats after rough handling etc, and i got a replacement anyways.

The DeathAdder simply rocks, and it is much better than a MX518.

Anyways, a MX518 over a G5 anyday.

Also, Cloth Pads >>>>> Hard Pads.

Cloth pads arent as smooth as a hard pad, also, they dont wear out ur mouse feet either.
mx518.. if you've got some extra cash, try getting yourself a qck pad or something.. they wear out quickly but are pretty cheap compared to other gaming cloth pads so you can replace them often. if not, any cloth pad shoudl do really... except razer mantis speed.. im using it and it's a piece of trash lol. feels like sandpaper after 1 year.
Aditya said:
The DeathAdder simply rocks, and it is much better than a MX518.

hmm yea technically it might be better but there's no reason to pick a Death Adder over an MX518 if the 518's shape feels more comfortable. its tracking is more than sufficient imo.
@ AshR..

I guess you dont clean/wash it?

My Mantis Speed is about 1.5 years old now, still in perfect condition :).

Well, ive used both, and id take the DA anyday, the shape of the DA is much more comfy really. The MX518 is a bit too bulky at areas it shouldnt be.

Btw, I owned a MX518 for more than half a year, and it rocked. But the DA, rocks more. Lol. :ashamed:
Aditya said:
@ AshR..

I guess you dont clean/wash it?

My Mantis Speed is about 1.5 years old now, still in perfect condition :).

Well, ive used both, and id take the DA anyday, the shape of the DA is much more comfy really. The MX518 is a bit too bulky at areas it shouldnt be.
Btw, I owned a MX518 for more than half a year, and it rocked. But the DA, rocks more. Lol. :ashamed:

yea shape's personal preference really.. some people prefer the 518 shape to the 3.0 one.. i'm thinking of picking up a 3.0 sometime soon actually... damn thing isn't easy to find in canada. my mouse pad's really clean actually even though i haven't washed it even once.. but it's not really due to wear or dirt that i don't like it.. bought it in paris last eswc because bittu said it was good but i didn't really like it even when it was new :P. should have left it back in india and brought my rantopad here :< that was a lovely mousepad.
I was stuck between the same decision too, either a Razer Krait / Diamondback or the Logitech MX 518 / G5 ...

After reading tonnes of reviews, and having been an avid user of the MX500 (Old school, used it for almost 4 years) .... it died on me, dust particles etc. ruined the left click and the feet were so worn out they just tore off, I opted for the MX518.

I saw both the Razers and the Logitech, since I want something that fills out my hand completely, you know, a handful, the 518 was the obvious choice.

Btw, picked it up for 2K all inclusive today, it's still seal packed, waiting for a good clan match to open it up rofl!
ashr said:
yea shape's personal preference really.. some people prefer the 518 shape to the 3.0 one.. i'm thinking of picking up a 3.0 sometime soon actually... damn thing isn't easy to find in canada. my mouse pad's really clean actually even though i haven't washed it even once.. but it's not really due to wear or dirt that i don't like it.. bought it in paris last eswc because bittu said it was good but i didn't really like it even when it was new :P. should have left it back in india and brought my rantopad here :< that was a lovely mousepad.
The Randopads were good too, but while you're there, buy a couple of fatpads - I've washed them so many times and it's still as good as new ;) Big no for the Mantis.
Hey ppl,

I am seeing ppl bashing the G5 a lot on this forum. Just want to know the reason for the same. Id it because it is expensive or is it because it does not perform well ?????????????

I mean i have the G5 and I think there is no flaw in it. I am not saying that it is better or worse than the 518. What I am saying is... It works just perfectly.

Just wanted to know the reason for so many being against G5 ??
^^ Well if you check the link Rio posted you will see that the MX518 outperforms the laser mice, and hence the recommendations. Apart from that even I am a little puzzled about all the laser mice bashing that goes on in general.. Be it the G5/CH/525 etc.. Is there really something fundamentally wrong with a laser engine?
Nobody's bashing laser mice (I may, but just a bit ;))... it's a proven fact that optical > laser sensors. Laser mice are also picky about mousing surfaces.

Not just laser, but I'd advise against Razer too... while they're pretty innovative et al, the quality/durability of Razer mice is nowhere near Logitech's. To give you an exmaple, my Logitech MX310 works fine even after 4 years of abuse but my Razer Diamondback gave trouble (and stopped working) after a year. And this is not a one-off incident, I've heard of many people facing similar problems.
^its not exactly that the razer mices are badly developed.

The Razer mice are meant & developed for gaming purposes & it does give that *bit* advantage over other mice..

for example the razer mice cord is developed thin to reduce the -ve weighing force of the cord...in the sense i have a mx518 . . the cord is fat & heavy...the advantage is its durable & takes some accidental stretch of the cord...

unlike most of the razer cord which are thin to give the gamer the most gliding effect on the mousepad with less effort..i think u ppl understand what i'm trying to tell.

Infact i tried to put thinner cord into my 518 & it din work..:ashamed:!
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