Logitech X540 Or Altec Lansing VS2621

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Hey guys!
I am in complete dillema.. Which speaker set to get?
I know X540 and VS2621 can't be compared directly..
But I am confused..

The thing for which i would use the speakers for -
Attach to Laptop and then watch movies on it
Attach it to the LCD to play XBOX 360 on it
Listen to songs through laptop and aux in

The question is..If i get X540, will i get a surround sound from my laptop, lcd while playing xbox? Or Surround sound won't come?

The comparison is just between these 2 speakers..
Budget is 5k

I heard about X540 and wanted to feel the surround sound ..But if i won't get surround sound in movies and while playing xbox 360, then a 5.1 setup is useless for me..Ill go for VS2621 ( I was about to order it , but it's on HOLD atm )
mate , logitech is the best 5.1 budget sysytem money can buy ..............

u will get surround always no matter what the source coz it has MATRIX button which converts everything
But people say music does NOT sound good in X540 ..

And does surround surround feel better than normal sound ( while playing games , watching movies ) ?

Is there a BIG difference?
Go for Logitech X-540 eyes closed, trust me theses are awesome speakers! And ya matrix mode rocks, that means u will be able to experience surround sound through your laptop..
i am so impressed with matrix mode that i turn it on all time even when i watch HD 5.1 movies ......

these are really amazing speakers and BUILD QUALITY IS MAGNIFICENT
hold the fone... first of all open your eyes and your minds.. LOGITECH X-540 ARE NOT ****ING AVAILABLE!!!! Am looking for them like crazy dog but no luck.. they are out of production and now they have LOGITECH Z-506 5.1 speakers. Any idea how is Z-506?
Thats not possible coz all their supplier for Mumbai is just 1 or 2 ppl.. and am in touch with them and both of them dont have X-540... may be this person has some old stock which am not interested... i need speakers 2day itself.. they all have new speakers arrived and in pipeline and that is Logitech Z506.. BTW, S series is budget series, X series is mainstream series and Z is high end series... and again Z506 has better output than X540/30.. 506 has 27-29W RMS in its SUB and can produce 47 in its lowest (sub)... X540 is capable just of 40mhz... btw, Z506 is for 5k and X-540 was less.


crossbow said:

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Z506 are upgrades to X-530 and X-540 with better and more powerfull specifications and features..

Logitech Surround Sound Speakers Z506 - CNET Home audio & video Forums
^ VS2621's bass of Sub is good enough.. but if u pump up the volume it gets screwed up... u still get the bass.. powerfull bass but ****ed up.. i have tested this speakers in person and had just connected my Cell fone ie. Nokia E63 and played my bass collection on it and i was not happy for the price and its quality. There is one 9k range Altec Lansing speakers.. even they are 2.1 but its bass is really awesome.. but 9k for 2.1 is stupidity... and its awesome but also not that awesome.. 4got its model number.. i connected that too my cell fone and tested same bass collection and ppl around stopped doing what they were doing and were just listening to the music lol... its volume controller is also different and futuristic..

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Ah hah... here you go.. this is the one am talking about..expressionist ULTRA
Dont go for Z506, The bass manager is behind the Woofer and Volume control on one of the speakers, this doesn't go well with me! Looks kind cheap.
X540 is a gud choice its a value for money 5.1 channel the sub is nice coz it punches the bass on the ground resulting in bass spreading in the room
90% of the people are recommending me VS2621 .. Also, i have a set of chinese 2.1 speakers with me right now.. ( Branded Yamaha LOL )

When connected to the laptop, they are good... And when connected through cell phone, the whole sound quality gets screwed up! So i guess maybe the cell is the problem?
The X-540 is a avery good speaker at that budget...I had once...

But the problem comes when you will need to claim warranty....

You might be able to find one or 2 stocks left but the major factor is warranty...

I sent my x-540 for rma and then....they said that they had no stock ...so I had to buy a Z5500 from them giving them extra cash...
Bought Z506 and guys its awesome.. its better than X540! The speaker's bass is ****ing awesome... am on onboard sound pumped it up on speaker and from computer's sound panel as well and there was not a single crackling sound from the bass sub! the volume controller is on the on the Front Right Speaker and I DONT HAVE ANY ISSUES WITH IT.. infact i love it more.. coz corded volume controller is STUPID and has issues later or sooner.. plus i keep my volume at one level everytime and then control from my computer audio or i use my keyboard shortcut since am using Microsoft Reclusa and have a volume controller jog dial.. playing games and watching movies.. saw Iron Man2 720p on it.. and i was amazed.. my windows were shaking in certain scenes... i got fish tank with 2 x huge sharks and they started getting hyper coz of the blasts and explosions!

U are not getting X540 or even if u are getting then too i'd suggest you to go for these speakers.. dont listen to others who srsly havnt tested anything and just wana give their piece of mind..

Dont misguide ppl if you dont know what u are talking about.. u find them cheap? u gotta see them in real and u srsly got some stupid sense to call these speakers cheap.. infact look more designer and better than stupid rectangular X540 speakers.
pranut said:
Dont go for Z506, The bass manager is behind the Woofer and Volume control on one of the speakers, this doesn't go well with me! Looks kind cheap.

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also wana add towards the bass controller... who the freak uses bass controller that often or even often? u are supposed to keep bass on one level and then use it.. not like volume that u modify / use it in every song or movies and music.
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