Looking for a free file manager with these features


I'm looking for a free file manager for Windows that I used to have but lost. Now I can't even remember the name. Here are some of the features that are important for me:

- Two-pane side-by-side window (don't remember if it could have more than two panes)
- Can show folder sizes, not just individual files
- Can show sizes down to the last byte, not just KB (this is essential)
- Can list files and folders by name, date, size or percentage

There's a ton of file managers, free and paid, out there, but none of the ones I found in a recent search has these exact features. Can anyone help please?
Can show folder sizes, not just individual files
This will take time to compute & depending on the no. of files & folders may make the file manager very slow thus making it practically unusable.

Can list files and folders by name, date, size or percentage
What is percentage criterion here?

This should work for you as it has all the features you asked.
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This will take time to compute & depending on the no. of files & folders may make the file manager very slow thus making it practically unusable.
Let me make one thing clear: The features I listed are not a result of wishful thinking. The program I lost had them all and more. I found it at least 15 years ago and used it many times. Then I downloaded a newer version several years ago and again used it for some time.

As to the time required to read file and folder sizes, it's not that bad. A directory with a few thousand files took no time at all. One with hundreds of thousands of files and sub-folders (like the Windows partition) took perhaps a minute or so even with my old Phenom II and a spinning hard disk.
What is percentage criterion here?
Percentage of the total partition space.
This should work for you as it has all the features you asked.
I'm familiar with Q-dir. It's a nice little program that's been around for quite some time. But it lacks some of the features the lost program has.
No. I know about Total Commander, Free Commander, XYPlorer, Q-dir and a host of others. Perhaps the two most important features of the one I lost is the ability to list folder sizes and to present sizes in bytes.
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Perhaps the two most important features of the one I lost is the ability to list folder sizes and to present sizes in bytes.
If you want that functionality outside of a dedicated File Manager app, WinDirStat is the one I use. Sorry, I don't know the app you're talking about.
I'm familiar with Q-dir. It's a nice little program that's been around for quite some time. But it lacks some of the features the lost program has.

It has all the 4 features you asked for with the exception of list by percentage. What other features it is missing though? I am using single pane view though it can be configured for up to 4 panes view.
+1 for KDE Dolphin (if it runs well on Windows) though it's not on the Windows App Store like some other kool KDE apps (Filelight, Okular etc)...

I was also thinking of one of the "xxxx commander" named file managers, can't remember the exact name.

And I pasted the OP question into ChatGPT.com and got this: https://chatgpt.com/share/48ad192e-1240-4105-8913-29bf6db35b1d

It also suggested installing Dolphin using chocolatey or scoop if you like.
One thing I specifically look in a file manager in windows is ability to copy folders & files while preserving their time stamps. There are many file managers which can preserve all time stamps of files but not folders (usually the created date changes while copying to a different drive/location).

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