Sei, it's more than 15 days after you started the thread. Have you bought the system already? Or are you still looking for HW options?
BTW, for OS, I compared Windows (any edition) vs Linux (Ubuntu Desktop and Server) vs FreeNAS.
I found that targeted systems like FreeNAS are too limiting when it comes to versatility and flexibility.
Allow me to explain, my current NAS uses Ubuntu Server. I can monitor HDD temps, proc temps, can tune and monitor system with readily available tools like ethtool, smartctl etc etc. Not to forget Webmin plays a big role in system management since NAS is run headless in 99% of instances. I am not sure if all these things can be done with FreeNAS.
During my tests on FreeNAS 0.7.2, Samba performance suffered a lot and was a serious deal-breaker even after I was impressed by its footprint and ease of use. I was kind of helpless since nothing could fix the issue. However, Ubuntu (or Linux in general) support is easy to come by.
IF you are concerned about performance, take this from my personal experience that Ubuntu Software RAID is as fast as anything out there. There is an old review (dont have link handy) that clearly proved Ubuntu Software RAID to be faster than any NAS OS out there.
Window is good but will be an overkill with its GUI which is really not required. It would be perfectly fine if you end up with Windows given the ease of use it offers. However Software RAID is out of question in that case. (Not looking at Intel Matrix Storage Manager).
Note : Do not cut corners by buying cheap PSUs. HDDs are pretty sensitive to voltage fluctuations and are easy to kill :lol:. Go for VIP (by Kunhar) PSUs if you are short on budget. Highly reliable for the price point. I have a batch of VIPs running for more than 5 yrs (oldest is 9 yrs) and are still in active service. :hail:
15 days gone by = a string of celebrations and gifts and no money left to buy stuff

Waiting for my next month's salary.
PS: And I am still trying to source a Gigabyte Atom based board since it has 4 SATA ports built in. 2-3 dealers are saying that the production for those has stopped. If anyone can help me there, it would be great.
Found one link on eBay -
But the dealer has quite a low rating. Not sure if I should go for it.