looking to complete the friend's achievement in tf2 ?lets discuss here (melee event)

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hi everyone - this is about team fortress 2 - so if you dont play that then you might as well leave :tongue:

hehe a lot of us tf2 players have got all of the achievements leaving the "friends" one.

as the IGL server is back up - lets decide on a time where all of us can play together and complete that achievement aside from having loads of fun.

we can make it a melee event and compete in two teams of 8 or more each..

here's how we can go -
step 1 - everyone post their steam IDs here and add everyone else so that we are in each other's friend list - my ID is - "UF| hitman02in" (type exact IDs so we can locate you easily - and if you cant find anyone - try to look for them in your friend's friend list)
step 2 - decide on a date & time for this friendly melee event (everyone post a time they are comfortable with - i would suggest 10 PM IST in any of the coming days)
step 3 - turn up for the event and dont let it be a disaster like last time.

a decision will be taken commonly by us all after all of you post here and atleast 15-16 people are willing to participate.

cmon people - it will be loads of fun :D
sinist3r3 , although i wnt b able to play for a couple f weeks as my gfx card is screwed.. still add me plz , and yea, i cant risk tf on an onboard :P
^^^^ added you magnablast :)

couldnt find you sinist3r3. you can find me in evox's / magnablast's / baccilus's friend list and add me from there..

ps - no players right now on the IGL server - try to be there at 10 PM tonight :)
Well there is already a group ON steam community Team Fortress India . .i am sure many of you no about so you dont really need to search every1 and invite them . .you can just join the community and post an event there. . I think this was done last time also if i am not wrong ??
mine is snipingyoudown/thebanik. We dont need 16 players, even if we are 8-10 players and on the same team somehow, :) , then that would complete our achievement.
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