Let me elaborate it !!!!!!!
--------- below part is general information and will elaborate my problem -----------
My girl is a good example of modern society girl who follows her culture with it.
In the time I have spend with her, this was the quality brought me close to her !
In our relation she treats me like " pati parmeshew " ( plz don't involve SEX here ).
She takes care of me alot. Gets up early in morning and make tiffins for me and then travel to college. Carries extra water for me as she don't like me having unhealthy fast food.
She did her first time karvachot for me and all fast till today !!!!!
Her sister is like " what magic have you done on her ???"
I always find her trying to do things which may make me happy
And in this process she have changed alot.
First she use to be friendly to every guy around who is not flirty or is gentleman to her.
But now her tone is a bit rude as she thinks I wont like her talking with guys. This is something I noticed is because of another girl in my group , who's bf is shakki kisam ka banda !
If she was not able to reply me or text me even if I haven't then she keeps on saying SORRY ! SORRY ! SORRY !
I have talked to her on this but don't know why she feels that she might have hurt me.
Now I am afraid that she might start thinking that sex is important in a relation and its her duty to me too as now and then every one keeps on prompting SEX in one or the other way.
She is first only so much emotionally attached to me and if people around are forcing her to think she might not be able to hold me if SEX is not involve.
This is my first relation and I don't know whether I might be with her or not in future as first I need to settle down with a job and future plans
And I don't want a girl to have SEX with me just because some bunch of stupid people keep on provoking importants of sex in a relation, in this stage
It should be natural and come from heart and not mind