Lost Planet Movie to Cost $200 Million

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How awesome will the upcoming Lost Planet movie be? We'll use the only unbiased metric of filmmaking around: money. According to an interview with Capcom's Toshihiro Tokumaru, Lost Planet will deliver "between 150 and 200 million dollars" worth of awesome.

That makes the upcoming Lost Planet film about four times as awesome as Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li ($50 million budget), and about six times as awesome as the original Resident Evil movie ($32 million budget). In fact, Lost Planet will be as awesome, if not more awesome, than The Dark Knight ($185 million budget).

Lost Planet movie will cost up to $200 million to make - Joystiq
Lost Planet?!

Game was fail. Now they want to make a movie out of it -___- THey should instead use that budget on more games and better development.
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