MAFIA II ~Discussion Thread~

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Zero Cool said:
Tried the game Demo on xbox 360 ........ the controls were good, but yes I do feel that the physics in general were lacking as compared to GTA 4.

What was sad was that there was a significant lack of AA for the game .
1. Physx on PC seems nice .. they cud have skipped it all together on the consoles ??

2. AA is really that necessary ?? Though the ingame AA sucks :P ..
deathvirus_me said:
2. AA is really that necessary ?? Though the ingame AA sucks :P ..

To me AA is very necessary ...... whats the point of excellent artwork , modeling & texturing if its all spoilt by jaggies . On a 1080P television it looks even worse ....... :(

I wonder if PS3 has these jagged edges too ....... if not, im jumping on the Sony bandwagon next year (i guess 360 has started to show it age, & im very fussy about my graphics)
Night Mod

Rain Mod

will it make driving a challenge in rain, like gta4? :D

i really miss the "neutral" gear in this game, in Mafia1, i'd drive car to some hilly area & use neutral when goin down hill- it was really fun :D
Those mods looks awesome.But i think they are not mods.its included in the demo itself have to unlock by hex editor.
Someone over at Facepunch figured out how to activate the night time/rain in the demo.


- go to \Steam\steamapps\common\mafia ii - public demo\pc\sds\skies

- rename freeride.sds to freeride.sds_ or something

- make a copy of 08_01_cigara.sds in the same folder

- rename that copy to freeride.sds

Credits to indisguise from facepunch.

^I tried the above method but the sky looks fugly and there was no rain. lol
1. Download the console mod -
Direct Link -

2. After starting the game with "m2dev.exe ", press F12 to enable the console.

3. Type the commands
Command for Night:
#lua game.gfx:SetWeatherTemplate("DTFreerideNight")

Command for Rain:
#lua game.gfx:SetWeatherTemplate("WTFreeRideDayRain")
type it as it is.

No copy paste option yet :D

more commands on that link.

btw, even SNOW is there in MAfia2, but not in demo.
Haddock said:
1. Download the console mod -
Direct Link -

2. After starting the game with "m2dev.exe ", press F12 to enable the console.

3. Type the commands
Command for Night:
Command for Rain:

type it as it is.

No copy paste option yet :D

more commands on that link.

btw, even SNOW is there in MAfia2, but not in demo.

thanks for the link

But its not working for me. :(
Nothing happens when I press F12(no console)

Tried everything, disabled antivirus, ran m2dev.exe in admin mode.etc

I am on XP Pro SP3 32Bit. :D
Just pre ordered...I really like the way ths game plays...very smooth compared to GTA IV, and the graphics seem to be better as well.
Just In...

In terms of the PS3 version, I wanted to clarify a couple points you have been asking about: There will not be highly detailed grass or large pools of blood, the cloth movement is less noticeable than, for example, the PC version, and the visual fidelity in the demo is generally representative of what you’ll see in the full game.

Source: 2K Forums - View Single Post - It's time for answers

Officially they screwed up the PS3 version :|
^^ It could very well be hardware limitation. PS3 relies on a very old Nvidia GPU, and its difficult to judge how good are the PS3 parallel processors for rendering purpose. It should be good news for PC guys, finally there are developers who are not limiting graphics improvement due to the old console hardware.
teracore said:
thanks for the link

But its not working for me. :(
Nothing happens when I press F12(no console)

Tried everything, disabled antivirus, ran m2dev.exe in admin mode.etc

I am on XP Pro SP3 32Bit. :D
did you place the three m2dev files - (m2dev.dll, m2dev.exe, & m2dev.ini) in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\mafia ii - public demo\pc ?
Aces170 said:
^^ It could very well be hardware limitation. PS3 relies on a very old Nvidia GPU, and its difficult to judge how good are the PS3 parallel processors for rendering purpose. It should be good news for PC guys, finally there are developers who are not limiting graphics improvement due to the old console hardware.
You should see how GOW 3, Uncharted 2, GT5 etc were rendered on the PS3 then. :P

I am not kidding! :)

It is quite clear that the develofers were not interested in a good port to the consoles. The game humiliates the PS3.
^^ Was GT5 cross platform release? As I think game developers require some heavy optimization for PS3. It will be the day, when all gaming consoles share the same API :)
^Yeah optimisation plays a very crucial role for console ports. GT5 will be a PS3 exclusive and so were the some of the titles which looked the best on the PS3. :D
360 has 3 cores

PS3 has 7 cores

PC cores and cores

It depends which platform is choosen to develop the game its often quite easy for developers to build the game with 3 cores and then break it into 7 cores rather than adjusting 7 core to 3 cores.
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