MAFIA II ~Discussion Thread~

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The game seems pretty much optimized.
anyways kinda didnt liked the demo much.uninstalled it after few mins.Seems that this time they have leaned a bit towards the gta series.Of course you can do some extra things too like repairing your cars broken engine etc etc.anyways with a cost of rs 499 and better optimization than gta 4 this game has every possibility of selling like hot cakes!
Played the demo for about an hour, here are my initial impressions :

Graphics : The thing which really stands out in this game are its amazing graphics. These are probably the best graphics in any sandbox game so far. Much better than that of GTA 4, also the game runs twice as smooth as GTA 4 on my system. The point to note here is that I am still not running the game in its full glory. I have a Phenom X4 and a HD5770 and I have kept AA off and AF at 4X. I can only imagine how good it would look with everything maxed out.

Gameplay : Again, as the premise of the game is very similar to the GTA series, comparisons will be made. The best part about the gameplay is its fantastic cover system, argubaly the best in any game so far which makes the shooting aspect of the game much better than that of GTA 4. Next comes driving. Now driving played an important role in the first game as I am sure it would in this one and I am pleased to inform that the driving mechanics feel pretty solid from what I have experienced so far. Gone are the days when we were struck driving at the speed of 40mph. The cars in this game are fast, almost as fast as they were in GTA 4. Although the best part about driving which makes it so much better than GTA 4 is the camera which unlike the shitty camera of GTA 4 remains fixed behind the car. The hand to hand combat feels very simple though wherein you only have an option to punch and dodge, GTA 4 was better in this aspect. Another thing I miss is crouch. Although there is a crouch option, the player does not crouch completely and only tilts his head down which makes it a pretty much useless feature. Also, during firefights, when not using the cover system, the mechanics of shooting can get pretty choppy as in it doesn't feel as polished as the rest of the game. But overall, I must say the gameplay mechanics are an improvement over that of GTA 4 and thats saying something. BTW, I played the game with a mouse and a keyboard and didn't face any issues.

Sound :
So far so good. The ambient noises are spot on, the radio plays songs of 1950's which makes the environment more believable and retro. The gun sounds lack a punch but thats maybe because I have been playing COD from the past many days.

Presentation : This is where Mafia II takes the cake. The presentation is slick, the cutscenes as we have come to expect from a Mafia title look superb . You will notice many cool little things which will make you admire the presentation of Mafia II. Like on one instance, I shot a dude in his head which created a pool of blood which I stepped in. When I started walking away from the body my footprints contained blood. Then on one instance I started beating up a guy, when a nearby police officer came and broke off our fight giving us both a warning. Then there are the playboy magazines, nuff said. :ohyeah:

I am extremely pleased to inform that the game is actually as good as the original and improves upon GTA 4 in almost all aspects. For the record, I am a GTA fanboi and loved GTA 4. The best part about the original was its amazing storytelling and from the looks of it, I am sure Mafia II storyline is also going to be epic. The game has lived up to its hype and I will recommend pre-ordering it to anyone who loved the original or who loves the GTA series. :)
@Bluffmaster, i agree with most of your points but i disagree with some...

just my opinions

  1. i hate the swingman camera & its very annoying when changing the camera angle with mouse, the camera swings back to original position way too soon & its not at all in smooth.
  2. cars are not as smooth as in GTA4, i mean driving a car from a stop. it has auto brake when car is very slow.
    • but once over 5-10Kmph, its as good as GTA4's & i like the simulation mode of cars :P
  3. peds physics is shit. reason - because GTA4 came up with Euphoria tech. & spoiled us (or me) :P
  4. I thought Mafia2's dev would have done something similar, but nope. :(
  5. nothing happens when pointing a gun at a driving ped.
  6. Peds dont drive or get out of car when we climb on the cars.
  7. very limited in interactivity. i mean, you cant jump on moving (dead slow, crawling) cars, water allergy, can open windows but cant climb out of it...
  8. no drive by's :P
  9. cant kick :no:
Haddock said:
@Bluffmaster, i agree with most of your points but i disagree with some...

just my opinions

  1. i hate the swingman camera & its very annoying when changing the camera angle with mouse, the camera swings back to original position way too soon & its not at all in smooth.
  2. cars are not as smooth as in GTA4, i mean driving a car from a stop. it has auto brake when car is very slow.
    • but once over 5-10Kmph, its as good as GTA4's & i like the simulation mode of cars :P
  3. peds physics is shit. reason - because GTA4 came up with Euphoria tech. & spoiled us (or me) :P
  4. I thought Mafia2's dev would have done something similar, but nope. :(
  5. nothing happens when pointing a gun at a driving ped.
  6. Peds dont drive or get out of car when we climb on the cars.
  7. very limited in interactivity. i mean, you cant jump on moving (dead slow, crawling) cars, water allergy, can open windows but cant climb out of it...
  8. no drive by's :P
  9. cant kick :no:
1. What exactly are you referring to here? The camera which swings when you are running? I personally think its a very cool feature borrowed from Kayne and Lynch. If you are talking about cars than thank god this has a fixed camera, the whole GTA 4 experience was ruined for me and many others because the camera while driving was not fixed behind the vehicle.

2. I have been playing this game from the past couple of hours now and imo the car handling in this game is better or equal to that of GTA4. You just have to get used to it. The cars in this game feel heavy which is a good thing. Besides the cars take longer time to accelerate because they are from 1950's, I think you've not played Mafia 1 else you wouldn't have felt this as an issue.

3. I will not say shit but yes, its inferior to that of GTA 4.

4. You know, Mafia is a more story driven game. Look at it as a movie. Mafia 1 had some strong gameplay elements but the reason it was loved by so many people was because of its solid storyline and awesome movie like cutscenes. That is what made Mafia a cult classic and if the Devs have been successful in creating the same atmosphere in Mafia 2 than rest assured you wont miss the many features of GTA 4 which are absent from this game.

5. It happens sometimes. Its a hit or a miss. They did react on a few occasions when I pointed the gun at them.

6. The only thing which I miss is swimming which may be included in the full version. I don't really care about jumping on moving cars.

7. IMO it should be there in the final product. The cops do fire from there car windows so its only natural that we will be able to do the same too.

8. Not that important really but would have been cool to have it.
The problem here is that we are comparing the Demo of Mafia II with GTA4, let us wait for the final product before jumping on to conclusions. Besides, comparing all the little features of GTA 4 with Mafia II wouldn't be right. I am sure there will be many things which Mafia II will inroduce which were absent from GTA. To start with there are petrol pumps and body shops.

Does anyone know where the Playboy pics are stored? I mean once I have collected them, how can I view them again? :P
1. preference :D

2. i'm not talkin about the cars' speed/handling, its the the jerky start that i'm talking about, very arcadish, reminds me of NFS MW.
you cant free roll the car down in slopes... again not a important thing, but addition would compliment the realistic-ness of game.

4. again, the addition of such small details will compliment the games' realistic approach.

5. maybe demo related.

6. car surfing is always welcome for me :P

7. only the passenger cop/ped. shoots, but again we're talkin of demo.

I'm comparing this with GTA, coz both fall in same category, diff.- one is pure fun & other is serious.

GTA has set the benchmark, Mafia2 could adapt few features of GTA to make the game even more immersive.

anyways, i played Mafia1 2-3 times just for the story, nothing else.
the problem with mafia was, its very linear.

I've played GTA SA for 10+ & GTA4-Eflc 3-5times, story is just a part of this game :D

I just hope Mafia 2 story mode not locked like mafia1, where you cant free roam at all.
btw, about Playboy mags, the full game will have some menu for it, as this' demo, that menu is missing :P
Well I have waited fro this Game forever. Now that its gonna release, I am <3ing it.

I was trying to download demo from Steam, so first installed Steam. But when I starts it just shows 0% Update an closes after some time.

Nothing loads neither Steam Window nor Downloading Game.

Well I am on Windows 7 x64, have KIS 2009 installed and using BSNL ISP for net. Is it something related to 64 bit OS, firewall or

Ping in the ISP (I have some earthing in connection causing vibration but my d/ls are getting maxed, though I am suffering frequent Internet disconnection ;))

So I decided to download it from tracker, but now that I have the game still cant play it.

I am so sad and wanna play the dome so desperately, any help guys!!

Looking forward to your answer. Regards!!
^I am not sure from which tracker you have downloaded this from. But if its the one which has been floating around than see if there is a Mafia 2.bat file in the PC folder of your game directory, if there is, run it and wait for 30 sec. The Game will start. It does not need any installing.
Wel its Mafia.II.Demo-NoGrp from BitGamers./

I found Mafia2.exe file and not .bat as you told.. Testing it now!!

PS : I think you need to have Steam running in background even after getting it that way, got a method to do it though without d/ling from steam. I am also working with no time patch!!

Will Let you know the updates. Later!!
Finally I got it working :D

Damn it my ISP couldn't run Steam for some time, well the good news is Steam is working now for me.

Thereafter I kept it running in the background.

I used following set of instruction to successfully run the game using this setup:-

1. Kept Steam in the background

2. Copied all content to some place.

3. Applied patch. (Yeah they have released patch fro demo already [mafia.ii.[demo]-patch)]

4. Tried to open Game through launcher and it worked. w00t w00t

PS : Now working on time thingy

I got this method from IGN to skip the time thingy:-

Are you sick and tired like me of that 10 minute gameplay limit?

Follow the steps mentioned below and if you did everything correctly you won't have to worry anymore about that 10 minute gameplay limit!

Download HxD (Free Hex Editor) from here:

Install and open HxD.

1. Press "Open file"

2. Browse to Folder .....mafia ii - public demo\pc and open mafia2.exe

3. You will see a lot of digits and letters if all went good.

4. Search on the left for 000F5380

5. Find D9 56 4C within that line and edit this to 90 90 90

6. Save file.

7. Open mafia2.exe and enjoy Mafia 2 demo without the 10 minute gameplay limit!

Note: Make sure you always make a backup of mafia2.exe incase you do something wrong!


Well, I think Patch fixes the time thingy though, I am not sure. I will play and then report back.

Also there is a time workaround automated setup for demo already out there!!

Do this-
1. go to any store or diner or car wash
2. point the weapon at clerk, DONT KILL THEM, rob the cash counter.
3. after robbing the store/diner, GTFO that area quickly. coz cops will be arriving soon.
4. go back to the store again (weapons hidden), & listen to what the clerk & cops are talking. :P
==>5. stay near the door & the clerk will whisper to cops, if you go near, they .... find it out yourself :D

this is really awesome stuff :D

btw, i loved the original Mafia driving, it even had manual transmission option, hoping they'll include something like that in the final game.
Tried the game Demo on xbox 360 ........ the controls were good, but yes I do feel that the physics in general were lacking as compared to GTA 4.

What was sad was that there was a significant lack of AA for the game .
yup we have to wait for the final version, and if they still dont fix it in that, there might be updates for the 360 version, not worrying being a windows user, we can always force AA :P
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