MAFIA II ~Discussion Thread~

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Desecrator said:
Is the gameplay akin to The Saboteur? :ashamed:

Asking this since I skipped GTA 4 because of the crappy port.
Man, you missed a real jewel. Just lower the gfx settings and enjoy the game. GTA4 must not be missed IMHO :)
^I know but when it was launched, there used to be so many tweaks around and I hate tinkering around with all these settings TBH. Anyways, I'll see what I can do. Don't really want to miss out on GTA4. :)
Just reached chapter 5. The grafics and gameplay are awesome. Loving it. :D

And added 5 dlcs. New clothes and cars make the game much more fun.
thegame said:
Anyone ordered Mafia2 or Kane and Lynch2 (both pc version) from and received them??
They just updated on Facebook that they got their Mafia II shipment today and will start shipping pre-orders from tomorrow. And to answer your question, yes I have it pre-ordered but I already finished the game lol :D
Aah so finally started the game. Reached Chapter 2 and stopped the game when Vito takes the car to a body shop for the repairs. I think I should be playing this game real slow since I don't have anything else with me ATM and this seems to be a life saver, thank god! :P

So far. the game seems to be good going by the gameplay. It isn't all that taxing either. Ran the benchmark and got a 54fps average at 1920x1200, no AA, 8x AF Ambient Occlusion off and VS off. Not bad. The system isn't all that great either - about time I do an upgrade.

Oh and I got a playboy mag btw. :P

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Btw did any of you guys with the ATI cards get tiny dots on the display while playing the game? I think I am on Catalyst 10.7 and 10.8 seems to fix the screen dimming issue when you exit out of the game although I am not sure if it fixes this issue. For the time being, I have checked the option - 'disable desktop composition' which seems to disable Aero (thanks to chaqli for mentioning this on Page 23!) when the game is initialised so the issue doesn't occur but sometimes I get distracted by those tiny dots. :\

To verify that the issue wasn't because of the card getting overheated, I ran an instance of the Furmark extreme burning mode and did not notice any artifacts on the screen. Ran the instance for about 5+ minutes.

Did anyone else face a similar issue? ATI users in particular! TIA for the help.
Hmm have u overclocked ur gfx card ? I read in some forums that mafia 2 produces artifacts for some ppl even when the card is overclocked by a little..
I have. :ashamed:

Actually I did not notice those artifacts when the card initially ran on stock clocks. Guess I should revert back to stock clocks. :P
Finished the game some time back. Quite Dissapointed on a whole due to the short SP Campaign. Can finish it in 8 Hrs Straight. Lack of side missions makes this game quite small. I think this was delibrately done so that many DLC can be put out to gain some more monies! :P
Ok, so I finally managed to finish Mafia II yesterday. My final impression of the game is that it could have been so much more. The thing which disappointed me the most was without a doubt the story itself. While the cutscenes were all great and the voice acting excellent, the script in general really sucked. I never felt really attached to the main character and there wasn't even one EPIC moment that I recall from the game. If Mafia II were to be made into a movie, it would have sucked balls. The story is one thing which the original got right. At that time, having that kind of story in a game was a great achievement. But today, with so many games driven by fantastic story, Mafia II's story felt really cheap.

Everything else about the game, I liked. The graphics without a doubt were among the best in any sandbox game. The game was heavily optimized for PC and despite having such sweet graphics it was not too taxing on the system. Coming to the gameplay, there wasn't really anything wrong with it. The Driving was fantastic and the shooting was great too. Definately better than GTA 4. Although the hand to hand combat was irritating at best.

The problem with the game was mission design. I am not complaining about the linear gameplay but the whole "drive all the way from one place to another to just trigger a cutscene was a little tiresome. But where this game really excelled was at getting the atmosphere right. 1950's looked beautiful in the game. I only wish they would have implemented whether change like that of GTA 4 and not had it specific to the missions.

Overall, it was a time well spent. If the story would have been more engaging, this could have become a classic.

My Rating : 8.5/10
mafia 2 is tooo blahh nothing much to other then completing the missions but they are fun though and shooting is solid
paranj said:
They just updated on Facebook that they got their Mafia II shipment today and will start shipping pre-orders from tomorrow. And to answer your question, yes I have it pre-ordered but I already finished the game lol :D

Thanks for the update bro:)
Completed Chapter 4 yesterday. So far so good. :P

OK just a query, if we deliver the stolen cars to that old guy we met before, does he pay us for that? Provided the cops haven't followed us i.e.

Been running short of funds - thought of upgrading my ride. :ashamed:
^Just Rob a Weapons store. Its much easier accumulating cash this way. All you gotta do is go inside the store, close the door and when no one outside is looking just shoot the owner in his head. This way no alarms would set off and you can easily come out of the store without being detected. Robbing a weapons store is the easiest since there are no other witnesses in the store plus it gives you maximum cash. But beware the owner has a shotgun, so you just have one shot and if you aren't quick enough you will be history.
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