Mahila Institute of technology aspirant.

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All 3 same guy!


After a deeper analysis, boy you sure are stupid for someone who calims to be from MIT, using same email id, just different email provider for both the TE ids here? wow, now am begining to think you really might be from the institute the thread title suggest, no wait, thats too harsh on people studing there...

after readin the title sometime back i actually tried not to check this thread out...... but man thank GOD that i did it.......

it made me laugh....

this person is too good... we need a joker`s section in Te where in such ppl can come and entertain us and help us forget the daily chores of our life

warm Regards OP

i LUV windows :P ... i actually do.. :) may be bcoz i have not used mac yet :P but still i`ll keep on usin windows :)
@Op... Man... seriously shove the attitude up your #$%. You can be from MIT or iMIT or iLameMit or whatever... you still $uck. Calling us the call center country or w/e doesn't make any difference, simply cause financially we recovered faster compared to you retards there.

If you have even 10% of the greymatter you proclaim to have, you would

1) Not use the same email id's

2) Use different ip's

3) get a brain.

4) be a little more humble.

5) you dont need to be in MIT to grow up. ( wait isnt that ironic in your case..:lol:)

6) you wouldnt come back time after time to showcase your superior(ahem) talent.

7) oh and this is the best so far: pretend to be someone else to raise your lowly standard.. ( omg.. you just dropped to a new low! 50 points for you! )

^ a laughter a day is good for the mind.

hope that guy comes back to make more fun of himself. :rofl:
M just loving this tread....

@ MIT Uncle.... Please make a new id and make contradictory posts on all ur previous 3 id's. That will add more masala to this thread :D
jeremiah said:
are you guys at all educated???? most probably not.....

we should have stricter visa laws....and keep you guys in those call centers...

let me get this straight.....

1.This is a fun thread buddy and we are making fun of of ur flawless stupidity.
2.plz dont take name of good universities like MIT......U ruin their names....
3.If u are really frm MIT.....U will be a janitor there...not more than tht.
4.No we are not educated as u are.....Ur capability is beyond our dreams..
5.Please inform Sir Obama tht u have decided to impose stricter visa might need his signature at least, bfr u start implementing it
----i am not wasting more time on this pathetic guy----
jeremiah said:
why??? does his flawless English make you feel incompetent and rustic??
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You know, I was laughing already when I was reading this thread until this post.

After I read this post, I seriously felt pity for you.
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