Mahila Institute of technology aspirant.

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The Return of the Tech-Boi? :P


This guy reminds me of silencer from 3 idiots...
Hey mac hater..I am in total awe of MIT for the kind of studies they bring out...maybe (and thats a big questionable MAYBE) you are from MIT but seriously the tag has got to you..maybe you have the aptitude to make it to MIT, but it doesnt seem you have the attitude...the fact that you studied in MIT will be forgotten in a few years after your graduation..but what you did/can do will take you to places in life..instead of bashing up apple....u can say something good about microsoft. And if good GUI makes you feel that u are using toys...i think u should use DOS. If you think you have an opinion..learn to respect other ppls POV's.
Nimit said:
This guy reminds me of silencer from 3 idiots...
Hey mac hater..I am in total awe of MIT for the kind of studies they bring out...maybe (and thats a big questionable MAYBE) you are from MIT but seriously the tag has got to you..maybe you have the aptitude to make it to MIT, but it doesnt seem you have the attitude...the fact that you studied in MIT will be forgotten in a few years after your graduation..but what you did/can do will take you to places in life..instead of bashing up apple....u can say something good about microsoft. And if good GUI makes you feel that u are using toys...i think u should use DOS. If you think you have an opinion..learn to respect other ppls POV's.
you think it will be forgotten....may be...may be long as the six figure packet keeps flowing in, and we get to fly business class free of cost...i dont give a ****....

and yeah....I will chose DOS over mac anyday....atleast DOS looks sophisticated, and is 1000 times more functional than that UNIX wanna be thing snow leopard has going....
jeremiah said:
lol.....bring it on losers...I'm having a gala time....all mac users are mother ****ers....

bring it on suckas.....

Charlie Brooker on why he hates Apple Macintosh computers | Comment is free | The Guardian

and all losers like you, who dream of going to MIT, and rot in sitting at your home in Hyderabad, can suck on a lollipop...

And oh!!! Its all of us who are having a gala time, thanks to you, you can continue rotting and dreaming away......

Oh also, face the fact that you do not have the aptitude of even entering Indian Engg. colleges, let alone MIT.....
Look at the poor fellow nerd rage. BWAAAH SNOW LEAPORD SUCKS BRAAAWWH! Its a fking OS for fvcks sake, who gives a rats ass?

as long as the six figure packet keeps flowing in,

Have they started paying you in afghani again? GJ MAN! Soon you can graduate to being called a cyber coolie!!

and we get to fly business class free of cost

Srsly son, one free ride in biz class courtesy the Make a wish foundation doesn't make you a hotshot business executive bird with dollars popping out your ass instead of just makes you a retard.
@l33t_5n1pr3_max [How do you even login with that username???] He has proven to be even better than you at trolling [Remember the thread about shifting to foreign country] if he's got you worked up.
jeremiah said:
you think it will be forgotten....may be...may be long as the six figure packet keeps flowing in, and we get to fly business class free of cost...i dont give a ****....

and yeah....I will chose DOS over mac anyday....atleast DOS looks sophisticated, and is 1000 times more functional than that UNIX wanna be thing snow leopard has going....

LOL There are 16 year olds who earn in 5 figures in a single day, that too sitting at HOME. Now doesn't that make you a worthless idiot who had to go through intense tests for getting into MIT and then graduating from there (ofcourse that is still a big question here)?
i'm guessing @jeremiah works for Apple support, else he might not be so fond of the company and its os. :lol:
jeremiah said:
and yeah....I will chose DOS over mac anyday....atleast DOS looks sophisticated, and is 1000 times more functional than that UNIX wanna be thing snow leopard has going....

Of course sir :) Everything u say is true.... :hap2: Keep it up:clap:

Y not develop ur own OS with that MIT head u have ?

BTW : Your lovely quote brought the much required laughter to my face. Keep those lovely quotes coming :)
@l33t_5n1pr3_max [How do you even login with that username???] He has proven to be even better than you at trolling [Remember the thread about shifting to foreign country] if he's got you worked up.

Hah, I'm trolling about too! Do you see me trying to disprove his apple sucks/pwns claims?

I've graduated to a level of online badassedness that contributing meaningfully to a thread just doesn't remove that feeling of inadequacy in real life...wait what?!?

Raugh out Roud!
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