Maiden ROCKED!!

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Hey all,

Well lemme start of from the very beginning. I reached there with most of my friends at roughly 1PM. There were two gates for 1.5k so we went and stood at the one closer to the stage. At that point of time people (around 1-2k) were maintaining their distances and were not SO bothered about their place in the queue. But as more and more and more ppl started coming and the time for the gates to open was reducing, everyone started pushing, shoving etc to get in front and ppl were all sticking together bla.. piss off.. and I though that was bad..

After we got slowly, the crowd was just running towards the stage to try and get as close as possible and the same thing was happening here. But it was worse. Especially the pushing. Many people fell off and tumbled etc.. horrible.. mind you this was all still between 3-3.30. We kept waiting in the hot sun and still air with all the sweaty people around you pusing bla bla.. horrible scene..

Then FINALLY after more than 2 and a half hours from entering (roughly 5.45PM) SOMEONE came on stage.. But it just had to be FTN (F**k the name). The band which won this year's campus rock idols. Man and were they bad or wat?! I actually pity them you know. As in they are very talented. Especially the vocalist. But they are just not playing the right kind of music (genre i guess). Everyone boo-ed them BIG time and chanted "You Suck", "A$$holes" etc.. Sad.. So they eventually left the stage all pissed off at the crowd (especially the drummer!)

Next came Parikrama! Man they had some crowd control! They played only originals(almost). Songs like Rhythm & Blues, But it rained, vaporise etc.. They even played one song from LOTR (forgot the name). It comes when frodo is going to the mountain to chuck the ring o something. Anyway, the violinist (imran) was kickass! Played a ton of solos. The Pianist and the Violinist had this jugalbandi thing in between too! lol.. that was awesome! And Sonam (lead) was brilliant as usual. A surprise package was the rhythm guitarist. He was playing super arpeggios like more than half the time! And in between when this pushing/shoving thing, i mentioned earlier, got out of hand., the lead vocal stopped their performance to tell us to stop doing this. I think that was good on his part. Overall they were great.

Then came Steve Harris' daughter, Lauren Harris, @ around 7PM. Mann..What do i say.. She was hot! But thats about it! She reallly cant sing IMHO. Her band members are good but thats a different thing. She was just a bore. Especially cuz she went on and on! But ppl showed her respect cuz of her dad (duh!). So yes eventually she finished her gig and left.

After that, they took about half hour of stage prep before we could see any sign of Maiden! Eventually at around 8.10 PM, the lights went off. And as soon as the music started, all sorts of lightings with the set that was hidden away till then appeared. And trust me it was BRILLIANT! They started off with "Different World" and continued to "These colours dont run". Man the energy was super! though you were already exhausted cuz of alll the pain you went through, the adrenalin rush just kept you alive! They sang songs like Better than a thousand suns, the reincarnation of benjamin, for the greater good of god, wrathchild, 2 minutes to midnight, trooper, iron maiden, fear of the dark, hallowed be thy name, number of the beast and a couple more. It was truly AMAZING! The crowd participation was as good as concerts lke Athens, Rio etc.. Especially for songs like Trooper, FOTD.

The Stage setting was amazing! The backdrop changed for almost every song and they had many different props to accompany. For "Iron Maiden" (song) this tank model came on stage which was HUGE! Bruce even climbed up one one of those supporting pillars for the roof at one point of time! Towards the end of the show, this 12 foot tall Eddy mechanised eddy came on that was something! The standard of their performance (as in the whole setup, stage presence etc etc) was simply superb! They said they'd be coming again in 17 months! (YAY!) I think that the people who missed out on it reallly missed something BIG. Overall it was a AWESOME concert! Ah... Will post some pics n vids later..

Other stuff :

Met sonam(parikrama) and spoke a lil. got his autograph. Met manyyy guys from Mumbai, Delhi etc.. One guy told me that 62000 tickets were sold (he has a friend in DNA)! Sepeltura is cancelled.. many of the guys were disappointed there.
Damn.. You beat me to posting a review of the concert.. :)

IMO would have been a great concert had they kept out FTN and Lauren Harris. All the former did was headbang and all the latter did was run around on stage looking silly..

Well, Maiden has come and gone and now there's nothing to look forward to :(
:D Yeah well.. I was all pumped up after coming back (that is after a few pain killers) so just felt like writing one then and there.

Lol i completely agree with you on this
All the former did was headbang and all the latter did was run around on stage looking silly..

But , as i said, i think FTN are a good band (talented) they just need to get things right... play the right stuff..etc
You can look forward to them comin again in 17 months :)
Got any pics? Or videos? Post away...

Gotta see how mine came out. My cell doesnt have a great cam so not very hopeful..
Leaving Parikrama aside (who did play some decent music), the other 2 performances sucked every last drop of patience that you can have. They really screwed the entire build-up to the maiden show because of these 2 lame ass performances. Ppl were waiting in the blistering heat since 3 p.m and it took 5 hrs till Maiden came out.

They shouldve planned it a little better, should've had 1/3 starting acts.

The weirdest thing was, they werent allowing bottles of water inside while entering but were selling them inside. If the whole point was not to make ppl throw bottles at the crap ass acts in the beginning, it made absolutely no sense selling bottles inside the venue. Guess it was just a money making venture.

There wasnt enough water available at the place anyways, it was always sold out.

Overall, it was just Maiden that makes you put all that disappointment aside.

Cant wait till they're back (hope Bruce keeps his word of 17 months) and I hope its Bombay this time.

I have a few pics taken by my friends crap Nokia 1.3mp camera and a few videos which ill upload soon.
They don't allow you to carry any drinks or even water inside because they want to prevent drinking at the venue, it has nothing to do with making money (which they make anyhow ;)).
Yeah that was the rationale of not allowing bottles I guess. Strange though that apparently they are afraid of people getting drunk inside but not of people getting high inside. Half the crowd seemed to be smoking up so they were either not screening for stuff or people managed to smuggle in plenty of it.

N yeah the management did leave a lot to be desired. Another thing I noticed at the end of the concert was that the holding area for the 900 ticket was way smaller then that for the 1500. I wonder whether everyone was able to squeeze in there.

@Ank1t : Thanks, but at the danger of being laughed at I must tell you I dont have an Orkut login :) Still will check em out with a frens login.
LOL! then just goto youtube and search for "iron maiden bangalore" lots of vids have been upped. N btw, there was booze inside the venue itself.. the vips were getting free booze n i saw MANY guys in the crowd wit bottles
Maiden was godlike and i was able to wrestle my way to front and center :D

lauryn hill is better than lauryn harris, sent me to sleep

ftn...linkin park fans?

parikrama, very impressive. Good thing they told ppl to stop moshing.

water/liquids destribution was horrible in the arena, im surprised half the ppl didnt collapse of dehydration
^ Its Lauren Harris btw :P

I think water/liquid distribution was ooook.. i mean they couldn have put stall anywahere else and there were sufficient ones. The ppl just dont behave..kept storming so wat do u expect?

The crowd wasn't exactly "moshing".. More like just faling on each other or pushin (cuz ppl wanted to get in front). Thats why there were these "waves" that kept moving pl around.. i was in

N i was one of the guys who almost died of dehydration :P
@ FreeFrag nope no dance of death (no songs from that album actually)
^^ ye suck...

coupla interestin things u guys forgot to mention...

lesser mortals like me tht could manage only a 900 buck ticket dint have such a bad time after all.. once de total BS opening acts were done and jus as Bruce got into the intro for 'Trooper', de guys managed to break the barriers... and a almost all de ppl in de 900 area managed to move into the 1500 area.. [:D] with the exception of some junkies who were just too stoned to step over the barricade...

whilst, parikrama nd lauren were playin, some dumbarse decided to entertain de rest o de crowd. bugger was probbly high,. nd decided that lettin the world plus dog know that he smokes would be a good idea. and to do that, said moron proceeded to climb atop one of the 30-35foot structures that had been setup to hold the speakers. sat there and smoked 2-3 fags bfore some o de more adventurous DNA fellos decided tht this fello shudnt be hogging so much o the limelight and decided to climb up nd force him down.. bugger triued to scamper down, only to be kicked off the tower wen he was abt 10feet off ground zero.

abt ticket sales... an official DNA quote i read on some website a few weeks back had thier spokesperson or someone sayin tht 20k tickets were being printed.. and trust me, they dint manage to sell out... all the enclosures were abt 80% full.. max...
You wudve had a great time then.. Plenty of eye candy around..

N yeah I saw the Great Breakout. Looked like a POW breakout...
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
Good thing about concerts like these are that you can grope one or two chicks. If they decide to come of course. : )

Reason why one cant enjoy a concert with ones significant other.
real l33t
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