Maiden ROCKED!!

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haha Maybe I should change my name to l33t_grop4h or something.

"Reason why one cant enjoy a concert with ones significant other." - That depends on wether said "other" exists outside of the individual's imagination :D.
^^ Yeah when i asked the ticketpro guy at the counter (at the time of buying the ticket) he told me that they printing only 25k tickets. Tell me, you think there were ONLY 20k ppl? MANY people are stating that DNA is going around telling people that only 20-25k ppl turned up to avoid "taxes".. what you think?
couldnt have been more than 20k man... no way.... de 900 enclosure which was small to start off wid was only 3/4ths full... nd the much bigger 1500 enclosure was also just 2/3rds,,, to put it in some sort of prespective.... the 1500 enclosure was able to comfortably hold all de 1500's + almos all de guys wid 900 buck tickets... dunno why but i kept gettin the feeling tht DNA screwed it...
^^ Exactly.. I go with Rio.


See, you were in the 900 right? I was in the FRONT of the 1500 pack(from the start) . When i finally got fed up and decided to go towards the back (open space), it took me ten minutes atleast to reach the back! There couldnt have been only 20k.. NO FWAY! And you'r mistaken, it was more than 3/4th full.
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