Maintenance Bill amount can be reversed or not?

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My building managing committee said once the amount is increased in AGM meeting in bldg maintenance bill it cannot be reversed at all. My bldg AGM increases the amount every year in maintenance bill in some or the other way.

Last year twice in 6-6 months they increased total 700 Rs each flat in the name of security. This time this year they are increasing 400-500 Rs each flat more in the name of CCTV camera system installation, fire extinguisher refilling, making a new compost shed in Mumbai. So I need to know how can i a common bldg member do something about this. Because every year they are just asking for money by increasing it and adding to the maintenance bill only. Is this allowed? Also how I can defend this?
Is it a registered society? In my society, funds for things like CCTV installation are calculated for 6 months (for example ,200rs extra per month for 6months recently for CCTV installation)

Maintainance bill be reversed but you need to bring up the matter in general monthly meetings. Or talk to few neighbors and convince them and then ask the managing committee to schedule a meetings to take up this matter
Is it a registered society? In my society, funds for things like CCTV installation are calculated for 6 months (for example ,200rs extra per month for 6months recently for CCTV installation)

Maintainance bill be reversed but you need to bring up the matter in general monthly meetings. Or talk to few neighbors and convince them and then ask the managing committee to schedule a meetings to take up this matter

Yes its a registered Society since past 55 years and there are 2 bldgs. 1 with 100 members and 1 with 48 members. So from bldg with 100 members they dont have any problem when it comes to increase in amount but the other bldg with 48 members are having problem and from this bldg only 2-3 members visit the agm meeting always. So a law is passed its increased due to lack of members permission and most permission from 1 bldg because its counted as entire society
then theres no other option other than for 48 members to collectively come to meeting once and put forth your views. How can you expect your problems to be solved when you don't visit AGM?

Just a simple circular asking people to sign against the increase in maintainance should be enough.
then theres no other option other than for 48 members to collectively come to meeting once and put forth your views. How can you expect your problems to be solved when you don't visit AGM?

Just a simple circular asking people to sign against the increase in maintainance should be enough.
Would a circular be enough?
First approach building managing committe and voice your concerns. IF he says not many people are protesting this, just send a circular to get signatures in your 48 member apartments and then show it to him. Its a society right? so you have to do some work to get change. And each society and its managing committe is different.
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The rates are too high and in no society the rates shoot at such a pace unless you really have installed some automation technology or fancy stuff or even useless stuff.
Usually societies follow the voting and quorum rule. If out of 200 members 110 are ok with the hike then mostly the remaining 90 have to suffer unless there is strong opposing from them where the rates can be re-considered further.
Secondly society blames the members themselves for not attending such meetings to voice their opinions.
Then once it comes on paper it is usually considered the final decision.
File a petition showing a strong oppose.

The cctv biz is booming like anything & looting societies by charging unfavorable rates.
Reason: the society commitee members are dumb with zero technology knowledge. It is essential to include a tech savvy person in the maintenance committee to make sure you dont get looted and get best bang for the buck.
I have seen very low resolution cctv systems installed at the cost of HD. Thus the burden is passed on the dear members due to the foolishness of the society commitee members.
This is how the maintenance amount increase needlessly.

In Mumbai my 25yr old society has 2 buildings with 2 wings each/bldg. We pay around 13k yearly maintenance which incl. lift amc, cctvs, gardening, tank cleaning, watchman and guard salaries, lamp post, misc lights, bulbs, corridor lighting, fire extinguishers, painting, any govt taxes etc. etc.

In Pune I reside as a tenant in 35yr old society with 6 buildings with 2 wings each/bldg
I pay around 8k where parking charges is the only thing which is charged extra for tenants. Which is just 600bucks per vehicle per flat.
I never attend any meetings here even though they entertain us. Attending them makes no sense as being a tenant you cannot put forth your ideas but only complaint or issues you personally face etc. So for a tenant the scope is just a Read-only thing.
Anyways the meeting decision circulars are circulated individually to every household by hand so we are always updated about the works, progress or any charges.
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The rates are too high and in no society the rates shoot at such a pace unless you really have installed some automation technology or fancy stuff or even useless stuff.
Usually societies follow the voting and quorum rule. If out of 200 members 110 are ok with the hike then mostly the remaining 90 have to suffer unless there is strong opposing from them where the rates can be re-considered further.
Secondly society blames the members themselves for not attending such meetings to voice their opinions.
Then once it comes on paper it is usually considered the final decision.
File a petition showing a strong oppose.

The cctv biz is booming like anything & looting societies by charging unfavorable rates.
Reason: the society commitee members are dumb with zero technology knowledge. It is essential to include a tech savvy person in the maintenance committee to make sure you dont get looted and get best bang for the buck.
I have seen very low resolution cctv systems installed at the cost of HD. Thus the burden is passed on the dear members due to the foolishness of the society commitee members.
This is how the maintenance amount increase needlessly.

In Mumbai we pay around 13k yearly maintenance which incl. lift amc, garden, tank cleaning, watchman and guard salaries, lamp post and misc lights, bulbs, corridor costs, fire extinguishers, painting etc.
In Pune I'm a tenant and pay around 8k where parking charges is the only thing which is charged extra for tenants.
I never attend any meetings here even though they entertain us. Attending them makes no sense as being a tenant you cannot put forth your ideas but only complain etc. So for a tenant the scope is just a Read-only thing.
Anyways the meeting decision circulars are circulated individually to every household by hand so we are always updated about the works, progress or any charges.

Here in Mumbai first we were paying 2000 pm so 24000 Rs annually after that then rs 700 increased in the name of security then 2700 Rs so 32400 Rs anuually and now again in next amc meeting in next 20-25 days they will pass a law to increase 400-500 Rs more so it would reach to Rs 3200/3300 per month which would be 38400/39600 annually. So I really don't know how to oppose this as i am not so good with my writing skills for letters or circulars as such and adventureguy told me to make a circular and take their signatures. Every time if this managing committee wants to take money from us they add in in the maintenance and hike the maintenance amount. They are not thinking about us at all. Some rich ppl at the top in the committee hardly can think due to strong connections with political members locally because they all know no 1 can do anything. But I want to stop this thing anyhow. I really dont know how can i do this alone but i want to stop this for now and in future to be added into the maintenace bill. Also I need some very good questions list which i can ask them for CCTV. So please if you all can suggest me something.
32k is way too much man unless you residing in town side prominent zones in plush societies.
Whats your location btw. I see yours is a generation old society.

To confirm I just asked few of my friends residing in Santa Cruz, Bandra, Opera house, Churchgate, Wadala and Dadar.
None paying in excess of 25k. They have 2-6 buildings each in their societies.

Corrections: Churchgate guy pays some 34k. He stays in US since some time so gave old rate.
Opera house pays 29. Hiked after 4 yrs.
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Around 40k or higher maintenance is quite normal in Mumbai nowadays.

We have 1 flat (555 sq ft) in Lokhandwala, Andheri. The yearly maintenance for that comes to around 58380/-, which includes Conveyance deed charges of 5064/-, non occupancy charges of 1800/- and property tax of 3588/-. Only the conveyance deed charges are temporary, rest are recurring charges.

We have 2 conjoined flats (825 sq ft each) in Thakur Village, where we are facing acute water shortage in our society. The yearly maintenance per flat comes to around 51182/-, of which property tax comes to around 13956/- and water tanker charges come to around 8726/-. Our society is actively trying to conserve water, but we are facing some bad luck. Hopefully by next year this will be sorted out, and the tanker charges will go down drastically.
Would a circular be enough?

First of all, you need to be present at the SGM/AGM to voice your opinions and vote on the resolutions. In order to challenge a resolution that is already passed, you need to collect signatures from more than 50% of the members i.e. 148/2 + 1 = 75 members and present it to management committee and ask for a new meeting which you will all attend and vote.

You cannot override the resolution of a bigger group just because some of you don't agree.

Also, you can consider forming a separate society for your own building and do your own maintenance as per your own choice. You will still need to abide by the resolutions of the larger group for common areas that are not part of either buildings.

The only exceptions where a resolution can be challenged by a minority is when its outright illegal or discriminatory in which case you can send a legal notice to the management committee and fight it out in courts. An example of this would be a ban on pets or ban against renting out to bachelors/women/or people who belong to a specific caste/religion etc. Even if 999 members out of 1000 agree with the ban, the remaining member can still challenge it because the resolution is against the law.
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32k is way too much man unless you residing in town side prominent zones in plush societies.
Whats your location btw. I see yours is a generation old society.

To confirm I just asked few of my friends residing in Santa Cruz, Bandra, Opera house, Churchgate, Wadala and Dadar.
None paying in excess of 25k. They have 2-6 buildings each in their societies.
How many apartments in these buildings ?

In one of my flats. the annual is 48k for a 16 appt building and that rate is already quite minimum
How many apartments in these buildings ?

In one of my flats. the annual is 48k for a 16 appt building and that rate is already quite minimum
Varies from place to place and wing to wing. Some wings got duplexes or 3bhk with just 2-3flats per floor others with mix of 1&2bhk got 4-6 per floor.
I have updated my previous post with corrections.
I think more the no. of flats lesser the maintenance amount levied on per flat. Yet society can loot in excess if they wish to.

I know someone who pays a whooping 58k yearly for his duplex 3bhk with just 2 flats per floor for some 8 story building with just 3 buildings in the project.
Its a plush society with everything one can dream about. Jacuzzi, neon toilets, automated homes, etc.
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I think more the no. of flats lesser the maintenance amount levied on per flat. Yet society can loot in excess if they wish to.
Depends if they also want to build a reserve for contingencies and maintenance or add more amenities. We wanted to get a generator installed just for the lift and that was nearly 5L.

Painting the building every ten years say. This is not looting, its called maintenance.

But generally speaking more apartments means costs for salaries can be reduced per apartment.

I know someone who pays a whooping 58k yearly for his duplex 3bhk with just 2 flats per floor for some 8 story building with just 3 buildings in the project.
Its a plush society with everything one can dream about. Jacuzzi, neon toilets, automated homes, etc.
That's 16 per bldg. Depends what security guard you want. Some people want only ex-mil and they charge 30k/month.
Depends if they also want to build a reserve for contingencies and maintenance or add more amenities.
Painting the building every ten years say. This is not looting, its called maintenance.
Of course I'm not pointing at this very essential work. Still the contribution should be very realistic to not burn hole in everybodys pockets.

But then there are cases where the committee members comprises of people who are the oldest i.e. right form the society formation to the initial shifting act very dominative and overpowering in nature where they actually stand by their own decisions despite of taking meetings for namesake showing that they do it as per societies act just on paper. Where they act very selfish and do what only they want rejecting or turning a blind eye/ear to what other members want to say etc.
These very individuals are the harassers to the society members, very dominative, overpowering, stubborn and obstinate in nature where the other poor members prefer better not to argue on any issues and stay quite just for the sake of their families.
The poor society members when even approach the police are given advise to sort the matter internally as police too is willing to only take cases which interests them.

Moreover, when a new family moves in such societies they are being harassed by targeting like park only here, park this way, your vehicles bumper came close to our cars, tv sounds from your house is noisy after 11 at night, you shouldnt roam within society after 11pm etc and every stupid silly harassing reasons one can think off. Such idiotic members can think off just to overpower new people. There is zero cooperation or a sense of comfortness as if you are living in hostel or jail.

New members are even given a rule book as if the family has shifted to some Tihar jail, a hostel or crossed any Mexican border.
32k is way too much man unless you residing in town side prominent zones in plush societies.
Whats your location btw. I see yours is a generation old society.

To confirm I just asked few of my friends residing in Santa Cruz, Bandra, Opera house, Churchgate, Wadala and Dadar.
None paying in excess of 25k. They have 2-6 buildings each in their societies.

Corrections: Churchgate guy pays some 34k. He stays in US since some time so gave old rate.
Opera house pays 29. Hiked after 4 yrs.

Near Chunabhatti Station Mumbai. I just wanted to know is there any rule as to in how many years maintenance charges can be increased. Is it compulsory to increase it every year in some or the other way? There must be some rule that the price has to stay the same for these number of years or so
Near Chunabhatti Station Mumbai. I just wanted to know is there any rule as to in how many years maintenance charges can be increased. Is it compulsory to increase it every year in some or the other way? There must be some rule that the price has to stay the same for these number of years or so
There isnt any such law or thumb rule. It altogether depends on the society activities and developments it is aiming for the current or next year.

Eg: Some societies only celebrate Ganesh utsav but from next year onward if they plan for Dandiya, Durga puja, New year, 15 Aug etc functions & events then it is obvious that the maintenance cost will increase.

The concept of last moment contribution for such events has declined due to the common lame or cheap excuses given by members such as we wont be available, we dont celebrate & even like we dont belong to that religion etc. This flops the plan at the end moment.
So including such celebrations along with any development plans, enhancements, up gradation, refurbishments etc. are now mostly incl. in annual maintenance itself.

Then either you participate, attend or overlook its your problem. But this way even the introvert families start attending such functions.
Reason: We have paid for it so will make the most of it! A common Indian tendency.:p

My Mumbai societies maintenance variate if suddenly the members decide we will celebrate a particular events but they make sure it wont cost any bomb in the pocket.
My Punes society maintenance charges are consistently same since past 4 yrs as per their annual curriculum. So what I paid last will mostly end up paying the same this year as well and if not then some few 100s more and thats fine.
^^ Contributions for festivals or celebrations etc cannot be collected as part of maintenance at all. Its illegal and can be challenged in a court and the society made to pay compensation. Standard Maintenance amount should only include costs related to the upkeep and provision of various amenities. The accounting for festivals/celebrations etc has to be kept separate and is to be treated as a non mandatory contribution.

But I do agree with the original point that increase in maintenance amount can be effected any time as the need arises.

To add on top of that, the society is required to show you accounting to justify the maintenance cost. They cannot just pull a random number out of their ass and say this is the amount to pay. The maintenance amount will typically cover all the costs + contingency funds which is to be used in cases of emergencies.

The problem with housing societies is that people don't often challenge the society management when unlawful practices are being implemented. This sets a bad precedent and paves the way for even more bad practices and bullying.

At the same time, residents should also understand that living in a residential township incurs various costs to keep it in good condition and to ensure safety for its residents. Rather than cribbing about maintenance amount and comparing it to other places without context, one should also try to understand the actual costs involved and cooperate if it is a fair calculation. CCTV and changing fire extinguishers are important things and do incur costs. However certain costs like installations are one time. For example, CCTV installation is one time, but CCTV maintenance is continuous cost.
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^^ Contributions for festivals or celebrations etc cannot be collected as part of maintenance at all. Its illegal and can be challenged in a court and the society made to pay compensation. Standard Maintenance amount should only include costs related to the upkeep and provision of various amenities. The accounting for festivals/celebrations etc has to be kept separate and is to be treated as a non mandatory contribution.

But I do agree with the original point that increase in maintenance amount can be effected any time as the need arises.

To add on top of that, the society is required to show you accounting to justify the maintenance cost. They cannot just pull a random number out of their ass and say this is the amount to pay. The maintenance amount will typically cover all the costs + contingency funds which is to be used in cases of emergencies.

The problem with housing societies is that people don't often challenge the society management when unlawful practices are being implemented. This sets a bad precedent and paves the way for even more bad practices and bullying.

At the same time, residents should also understand that living in a residential township incurs various costs to keep it in good condition and to ensure safety for its residents. Rather than cribbing about maintenance amount and comparing it to other places without context, one should also try to understand the actual costs involved and cooperate if it is a fair calculation. CCTV and changing fire extinguishers are important things and do incur costs. However certain costs like installations are one time. For example, CCTV installation is one time, but CCTV maintenance is continuous cost.

But for us contributions for any such festivals or activties 100 Rs per month is already applied per month in Maintenance bill so 100 Rs every month by 150 flats. So 180000 Rs annual payment is collected just for festivals and all
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