Today i thought of giving a try for the mandriva 2009 and ended up in losing 390gb of valuable data
.here goes the whole story.
I have two hdds in my machine 200g and 500g. 200g has XP in it and 500g have VISTA-40gb,data 390gb,20gb(partitioned drive) reserved for XP, and another 20gb unalocated space reserved for mandriva.
today i tried to install the Mandriva in the 500g drive... it aske me for some deletion kind of warning, i said no....and selected the manual allocation opton.when i selected the unalocated space, it automatically given 8gb for the mout point/ and 2gb for swap and 4gb for the media.
Installtion ended and it have shown the message "remove the disk and reboot"
i tried to remove it but drive did not come out...finally restated the machine hoping to remove the disk at the time of reboot....
while rebooting, the wizard got stuck at about 95% for about 30 min.So i pressed the restart button and rebooted.....
while restarting, grub has thrown me an error "error 20 or 18"(i actually did not remember that error).
system start failed.....
i tried to install it again and failed for the second time with same reason....
Then i stared machine from second hdd and fomatted the Mandriva partitions to mandriva as shown in pic below, hoping that vista might get started...
i was able to format the mandriva drives but still getting the error 20 while rebooting.... and shocking is that i lost the whole data in the 390g drive.
Now some one please tell me how to recover that data....its very valuable data for me
i am planning to use the TrueImage11 as per the suggestion of Dark star...
Hope some one hels me...
Today i thought of giving a try for the mandriva 2009 and ended up in losing 390gb of valuable data

I have two hdds in my machine 200g and 500g. 200g has XP in it and 500g have VISTA-40gb,data 390gb,20gb(partitioned drive) reserved for XP, and another 20gb unalocated space reserved for mandriva.
today i tried to install the Mandriva in the 500g drive... it aske me for some deletion kind of warning, i said no....and selected the manual allocation opton.when i selected the unalocated space, it automatically given 8gb for the mout point/ and 2gb for swap and 4gb for the media.
Installtion ended and it have shown the message "remove the disk and reboot"
i tried to remove it but drive did not come out...finally restated the machine hoping to remove the disk at the time of reboot....
while rebooting, the wizard got stuck at about 95% for about 30 min.So i pressed the restart button and rebooted.....
while restarting, grub has thrown me an error "error 20 or 18"(i actually did not remember that error).
system start failed.....
i tried to install it again and failed for the second time with same reason....
Then i stared machine from second hdd and fomatted the Mandriva partitions to mandriva as shown in pic below, hoping that vista might get started...
i was able to format the mandriva drives but still getting the error 20 while rebooting.... and shocking is that i lost the whole data in the 390g drive.

Now some one please tell me how to recover that data....its very valuable data for me
i am planning to use the TrueImage11 as per the suggestion of Dark star...
Hope some one hels me...