Features of the 4GB Mandriva Flash:
- Mobile: take it everywhere and make any desktop your own!
- Handy: everything for your office work, Internet and multimedia... on a stick!
- Keep your personal data in your pocket!
- Fun: spectacular 3D-accelerated desktop, only with Linux!
- Safe: it doesn't make any changes on the host computer.
- Reliable: unmatched stability and hardware recognition.
- Fast: high data transfer rates with USB 2.0.
- Storage: up to 3GB available for user files.
Included software:
- ezBoot
- Mozilla Firefox
- Mozilla Thunderbird
- Java
- FlashPlayer
- RealPlayer
- Skype
- OpenOffice.org
Mandriva Flash 2008 will be available today for a suggested retail price of 79€ and $89 (US) respectively. Buy it now from the Mandriva store.
Get it now : Mandriva Store
Announcement : New 2008 Mandriva Flash 4GB Released today | Mandriva linux