Market section - scams with compromised accounts

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Indeed yes also I see they've access to staff members ID too to put credibility to bogus sale threads. See the way he responds and as an old member you can make out the way he responded is not too convincing to me.
Mods shouls trace IP. Wonder if that will help, if the scammers are using vpn then no use. If @shallg has transferred the amount how will they recover it
Try this number maybe?
Looks like some non native English speakers. Looks like they are using Google Translate -
So even after various red flags, with no username pic with the product and date (which i reported the thread btw) people still went ahead because they're afraid someone else will get the card before them. This is just ridiculous at this point, as someone else recommended already in another thread, mods should now hold a sale thread before allowing it to be posted on the market section.
Plus how did these accounts get compromised, is it localised or is it due to some other outside reason? (email password getting leaked in some other database leak)
How did you pay and who did you pay? If you used UPI / Indian Banking System - Then FIR can possibly help. IF you paid using crypto -There is probably no getting it back at this point
"Reason for Sale: I am constantly selling the products."

I mean, hindsight is 20/20 but veteran members changing their behavior should be the first warning sign. Mods should screen new sale threads (at least for GPUs) before approving them. Members should also change their passwords just to be safe.
Okay why are these "scams" or "comprised accounts" happening all of a sudden?
What happened? Is TE compromised on a server level? One person I totally understand. But now a second one overnight?? @Renegade
If you guys come across any FS GPU from my account profile you can be sure that it's not me and ban my account immediately till I get it restored safely.
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Indeed yes also I see they've access to staff members ID too to put credibility to bogus sale threads. See the way he responds and as an old member you can make out the way he responded is not too convincing to me.
Wow didn't think that mod's account was compromised too.

Mods should screen new sale threads (at least for GPUs) before approving then.

Second that.
In this case there was even a mod vouching for the guy
I suggest everyone change password and enable 2 step auth based login.

Also, request admins to block new FS threads for a couple of days.

Edit: @Renegade already enabled moderations for the sale section for a week. Good enough. Thanks.
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I have done complaint in cyber cell
They will respond soon. I have done one last year for an OLX deal.
And make sure with the cyber cell complaint no or receipt you file an FIR at local Police Station as well.
Which will speed up the process.
Try to write the entire incident in details while submitting. With that copy of FIR and cyber cell Complaint. Mail to your state Cyber cell SP and the Seller Bank account City or State SP (you can find those details on the cyber cell website itself) Which will speed up things.
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They will respond soon. I have done one last year for an OLX deal.
And make sure with the cyber cell complaint no or receipt you file an FIR at local Police Station as well.
Which will speed up the process.
Try to write the entire incident in details while submitting. With that copy of FIR and cyber cell Complaint. Mail to your state Cyber cell SP and the Seller Bank account City or State SP (you can find those details on the cyber cell website itself) Which will speed up things.
Have got your money back
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