Thanks for the impressions, are you going to buy it?Okay, since I am playing the trial, might as well leave some initial impressions. The game is getting quite a reception in the forums, and not for the right reasons. Pros first.
Huge visual upgrade. Much better textures, explosions, biotic and tech effects. Much better combat. Jetpack, hover, airdash, charge all are very fun. Story is interesting so far, music is decent. Sound effects are good. Big worlds, but that might be a drawback, let's see.
HUGE downgrade in quality of animations, especially facial animations. This especially sticks out since it is an RPG with lot of dialogues focusing on faces. Everybody look like dead fish. The lead animator should be straight up fired. ME1 had better faces in 2007. Character Creator is a big downgrade, hardly any options and the presets look plain ugly. Some of the voice actors really don't fit at all with their characters. There is NO squad customization. You can't change their armor or weapons. You can't give them direct commands on which abilities to use. No pausing and setting up biotic combos or focusing on important enemies. No quicksave!!(God knows why, in an open world RPG). NO RENEGADE OPTIONS! You are a chocolate hero with a baby face who can do no wrong. Only 3 powers at one time. No class restrictions.
There is a lot more to come in the game but some of the points really leave a very bitter taste in the mouth.
same mine too as i got about aveg 40-55 fps what is your config and which gfx are u usingAlready preordered. Origin had a 30% off pricing error and I couldn't help it. The performance is pretty shit too, for a Frostbite game. Getting 30-40 fps on High settings in 4k. Maybe a driver update and a performance patch will improve it. But there is no improving the animations and squadmate controls, we will just have to live with it. Hope the story is at least better.
how many hour have your play and sex scene with whomDone with it. This is the best bad game I have played. A sequel would be nice, but if Mass Effect died right here with this game I wouldn't be too surprised. But very sad.