Mass Effect/Mass Effect 2 - Discussion thread

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Saiyan said:
^ I ditched Ashley as well and killed wrex :P

I too Killed Wrex but not by choice. My Charisma skill points were low hence I wasn't able to convince him to join the team but I didn't shoot him, Ashley did.
is it really required to complete all the side effects of mass effect 2.If we dont then does it affect the ending?
I may start this title next.
btw how many side missions are there and how are they?(i already had enough with fable 3 completing 110+ missions most of its side missions were boring.)
Well yeah unless you do your side missions, there are chances you may miss out on certain upgrades for the vessel so that in turn affects the ending. The side missions are pretty good. At least I found none to be boring.
Mass Effect 2 - Suicide Mission : How to save everyone!

When I completed Mass Effect 2, unfortunately I lost "Mordin" who was one of the most interesting characters in the game. Since, it is a given that Mordin has a meaty role in Mass Effect 3, having him dead was not an option. I followed the above guide and replayed the suicide mission and I was finally able to save each member of my crew. :D For anyone who wants to have the best experience in Mass Effect 3, I recommend playing the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2 again and try saving each member of your crew, you never know how important a character you have already killed maybe in ME 3.

Gannu said:
In my case, Jack died in the final encounter. I am glad she did. Useless b1tch.

I had emotional (for me) sex with jack because I had sympathy for her but after the sex she just blew me off, b**ch. :| I hope she doesn't cost me my relationship with Liara in ME3, now thats one cute blue alien I do not wanna disappoint.

BTW, an honest question, please don't shoot me :P : If Liara were to have my babies, will they also be blue? Just curious, I think this was answered somewhere in one of the conversations or codex in the game, I just forgot, now if someone can shed some light on this?

A very nice article I came across :

Is Mass Effect this Generation's Star Trek?

Well-developed stories. Great character interaction. The fate of the galaxy. What is in common between these concepts? They describe two successful franchises that helped shape the generation of people that interact with them. I am, of course, speaking of Mass Effect and Star Trek. One, a top-rated, best-selling video game series. Another, an epic television and movie franchise spanning back over 40 years. But are these two franchises all that different in the way they shape their audiences? No. Indeed, Mass Effect could be the Star Trek of this generation.

Spanning back over 40 years, 11 feature films, and 727 one-hour television adventures, Star Trek is undeniably one of the most successful science fiction franchises in all of history. The franchise started back in 1966 with Gene Roddenberry’s stories of Captain Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise in what today is known as The Original Series. Over the next three decades, three seasons of television, an animated show, and six feature films were produced following Kirk. In 1987, Star Trek was modernized in the form of The Next Generation, where we meet Captain Picard, followed by Sisko in Deep Space 9 and Janeway in Voyager during the 1990s. After the new television series Enterprise failed to acquire a dedicated audience in the early 2000s, Star Trek fell off the map for most science fiction fans when Stargate and Battlestar Galactica were in their primes. The latest production of the Star Trek franchise was with JJ Abrams reinvention of the series in 2009 with the aptly-titled Star Trek. Another Abrams-canon movie is expected in 2012. All this, and I haven’t even mentioned the hundreds of novels, the animated series, or the fan dedication.

Now, I’m a 21 year old, unemployed college student majoring in Aerospace Engineering, so naturally, science fiction is one of my favorite genres of television and film. Star Trek, Stargate, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Eureka, you name it, I pretty much watch it. So when the original Mass Effect came around in 2008 for the PC, it was an instant buy. It was like playing “Battlestargate Trek Wars Galactica 9” (if you can pick the sci-fi shows out of that, I’ll give you an internet hi-five). Everything I loved about science fiction was incorporated into Mass Effect. This prompted a new question in my mind: does Mass Effect have the potential to be the Star Trek of my generation?

To me, three things stand out that could make Mass Effect the Star Trek of this generation. First, the universe lore: are the people, places, and ideas so well developed that I could believe that this is a possible future for the human race? Second, fan dedication: are the fans of Mass Effect as dedicated as they are for Star Trek, or do the fans have the potential to be as dedicated? Finally, franchise expansion: does Mass Effect have the potential to grow to be as big as Star Trek has over the past 40 years?

The lore of Mass Effect, or any story for that matter, is one of the most important aspects that not only draws fans in, but also keeps them there as the universe develops into something much greater than where it started. The Mass Effect universe is so well developed through the storyline of two (upcoming three) games, character conversations, and the codex, that it rivals the lore of Star Trek itself. A casual viewer of Star Trek may not know a whole lot about the universe that occurs outside the walls of the USS Enterprise, but a hardcore fan has read the novels and backstory to know what is happening in the four quadrants of the galaxy. The same applies for Mass Effect, but using a form of media that is more common to today’s youth.

Gamers who play Mass Effect for the combat and big explosions will get just that. They can simply ignore most conversations and never open the codex. But gamers who play Mass Effect for the story, characters, and lore don’t have to go any further than the game itself. They can spend more time in conversations, open the codex, explore the galaxy, read about planets, and do side-quests. This is the beauty of Mass Effect’s development on the interactive media platform. You don’t have to dress up in costume and attend conventions to get into the universe. Hell, you don’t even have to go to a Wiki to look up what happened during humankind’s first contact - you simply open the codex while in-game.


One of my favorite Star Trek adventures is First Contact: the time traveling feature-film on how Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise stopped the Borg from preventing humankind’s first contact with the Vulcans. This type of story develops the history of how things came to be in the overall universe. It’s very important for this to not only be established, but believable. Aside from a few lines of conversation in Mass Effect, humans’ first contact with an alien race is mainly developed through numerous codex entries. In the Mass Effect universe, first contact was not so peaceful (not that Star Trek’s first contact was either). Human exploration got in the way of traditional galactic laws: never activate dormant mass relays without knowing where they go first. The militaristic Turians launched strikes against outlying human colonies to prevent them from activating further dormant mass relays. Without the Citadel Council’s diplomatic intervention, humans may have never had the opportunity to explore the galaxy - and to intervene in the Battle of the Citadel. (Don’t know what I’m talking about? Boot up Mass Effect and read the codex!)

Mass Effect’s ability to appeal to a wide range of audiences - from the gamer there for the eye candy to the gamer there for the lore - is what makes it so appealing to today’s generation. Star Trek had (and still has) a large, extremely dedicated fanbase. Just like Star Trek had fan films, costumes, and stories, Mass Effect is slowly developing these among its fanbase. From great cosplays to Robert Rodger’s professional-quality Garrus costume, Mass Effect’s dedicated fanbase can do amazing things with the resources at their disposal.


Although Comic Cons (which Bioware is attending this year to showcase Mass Effect 3) or similar conventions are often reserved for pretty much the very dedicated fanbase of any franchise, Mass Effect, just like Star Trek, has great appeal to the casual audience. You don’t have to be a fan who creates costumes or performs role playing in real life from the game; you can simply enjoy the game for what it is. Don’t like all the techno-babble? Mass Effect’s great character relationships might be for you. Weapon tech and big explosions? Check. Exploration and discovery your thing? The Normandy’s galaxy map is at your fingertips.

During the 1990s when The Next Generation-era of TV shows were on the air, two shows aired at once: Deep Space 9 and Voyager. A television show can really only focus on a few elements of story at one time, whether that be character interaction, universe development, political disputes, or something else. To appeal to a wider audience range, these elements were spread out between the two concurrently-airing shows. Deep Space 9 focused on political, economic, and militaristic disputes, whereas Voyager focused on the more traditional form of Star Trek: space exploration and character interaction. Like I’ve mentioned numerous times so far, Mass Effect shapes around what you enjoy the most. Mass Effect can be whatever you wish it to be. Although some of this is due to the medium it is presented on (video gaming), not just any RPG video game can do what Mass Effect does: adapt to the player and present to them the content they want to experience.


One of the key elements of a successful franchise is a multi-generational span. Using the platform of interactive media, Mass Effect has drawn much of my generation and the younger generation into the world of Shepard. But what about the older audience? Star Trek drew in a multi-generational audience right from the get-go in 1966. I’m consistently told stories of my grandfather and uncle sitting around watching the original Star Trek back in the day. To succeed as a franchise and become the Star Trek of the modern era, it must expand and appeal to a wider audience. And this is exactly what is happening today.

Mass Effect is expanding outwards at a rapid pace for a relatively new franchise (launched 2007). An anime film adaptation of the franchise is expected next year on top of the third installment of the game, Mass Effect 3. Although there have been no major announcements for the Hollywood film production of the game, Legendary Pictures has picked up the rights to produce a movie based on the video game series. IMDB currently has an ETA of 2012 for the film (more information on the Legendary Pictures film will be revealed this year at Comic Con San Diego). In addition, three novels, with another one planned for next year, and four comics have been written based on the video games.


Not only is the medium there for Mass Effect to expand on, but the story elements are present as well. Big story arcs that could form an entire franchise of films, television shows, or novels have yet to be explored in-depth in the Mass Effect universe. For a more action-packed story, the human-turian First Contact War or the Krogan Rebellions could be explored. For a political drama or character based story, the formation of the Human Systems Alliance, Earth’s united form of government in the Mass Effect universe, could be developed. Commander Shepard doesn't have to be present in the expansion of the franchise (Kirk wasn’t present in The Next Generation until the seventh film), but he easily could be: there are plenty of stories untold with Shepard, such as the loosely-filled story gap between Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2.

Mass Effect has sure expanded and no doubt will continue to expand well beyond Mass Effect 3 next year. In only four years, Mass Effect has done what defines a great science fiction franchise like Star Trek: come up with a believable, expansive, and appealing universe to enjoy. If Bioware continues on its current path of promoting the Mass Effect to the casual gaming audience, attending conventions to keep up with the hardcore fanbase, and expanding the audience through film and novel adaptations, Mass Effect will truly be the Star Trek of not only this generation - but of this era.

Kirk. Picard. Shepard? We’re already there.

Is Mass Effect this Generation's Star Trek? | Couch Athletics
dude WTF @ Liara comment :) :)

Subscribe to IGN's podcasts and you'll get your answers :) jk

I saved everybody on my team, destroyed the Collector ship. Then lost my Laptop :(

Jack's Loyalty mission was pretty cool, though.

Started another playthrough with this FemShep.


Gannu said:
Well yeah unless you do your side missions, there are chances you may miss out on certain upgrades for the vessel so that in turn affects the ending. The side missions are pretty good. At least I found none to be boring.
well can you please(or anybody.:D) give me some ideas as how to approach in this game. here are my mass effect details.
paragon ending,paragon points almost over 50%
tried too woo liara but got ashley instead.
saved the council members (as told above paragon ending)
rank must be over or near about 35.
saved rachnini queen
wrex not killed
kaiden died
who will be human counselor has been left up to them.

and how long it took for you to complete it with all the side missions.and how many side missions are there in total approx figure will do.:)
QC, I will be honest here - I don't remember jack about my status of ME 2 conclusion other than the fact that Jack was killed in the final encounter. :ashamed:

I think the game with all the side missions did not take me more than 10 days (3~3.5 hours of gaming a day) for completion going by my first post and the last one on the game.

Why don't you complete the first title before beginning the second one? Although it is a bit boring at times, I can tell you the second title is radically different from the first and Bioware has done a total overhaul for a lot of systems!

That reminds me, I need to play the DLCs sometime. Will do it once I am back from my home trip.
Gannu said:
QC, I will be honest here - I don't remember jack about my status of ME 2 conclusion other than the fact that Jack was killed in the final encounter. :ashamed:

I think the game with all the side missions did not take me more than 10 days (3~3.5 hours of gaming a day) for completion going by my first post and the last one on the game.

Why don't you complete the first title before beginning the second one? Although it is a bit boring at times, I can tell you the second title is radically different from the first and Bioware has done a total overhaul for a lot of systems!

That reminds me, I need to play the DLCs sometime. Will do it once I am back from my home trip.
lol gannu mass effect has already been completed.cant you figure out from the stats i have posted.:D

anyways thanks.:)
quan chi said:
cant you figure out from the stats i have posted.:D
Wait that was the conclusion on Mass Effect 1? :ashamed:

Silly me! I better be reading up on the series. *Heads to Mass Effect wiki*
lol ^^^^ is this whats gonna happen in ME3?

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Everyone gets saven in my ME2 game, of course after reading a walk-through somewhere while googling. :D
quan chi said:
do we have to complete these side missions too like fetching a brandy buying groceries etc.
Haha I recall those. Hey worry not, you will pass by that way when you attempt other side missions. I did not get that lady doctor the brandy until the last few missions. I happened to notice that someone was selling it in some world and bought it from there.
After going through this thread I have ordered Mass Effect. I know am pretty late to play this but seems it's time to take break from MMOs :ashamed:
heyy guys....thinking bout finishing ME1 and ME2 again...this time with tell me which DLC's i should get to feel the story...don't need fancy armor or stuff:P

help me guys...
should we apply the dlcs before completing the main story or after completing the main story.
Btw got the equalizer pack.
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