Medal of Honor discussion Thread.

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I swear if Black Ops gets shafted with a similar length in SP campaign, then there will be hell to pay for Treyarch.

Have a bad feeling Black Ops SP is going to be short. More like an expansion. How you liking the MoH 2010 SP..?
Ok reviews for MOH there. 7.5 by Gamespot means it's a time pass game, won't miss anything if you skip it unlike games that score 8.5 or above. I would have got it, if it had got atleast 8 on Gamespot. Maybe will get it later.

IGN reviews are really confusing. They dont grade games properly.
IGN's reviews are more individualistic review whereas gamespot reviews looks more of generic.
6 hours campaign. Anyone remember the SP campaign from MOHAA? The Omaha beach assault, the infiltration of the castle, they were all awesome, and lengthy. Why are publishers so stingy about the SP these days? Not everyone wants to play online...
jc36lect3r said:
6 hours campaign. Anyone remember the SP campaign from MOHAA? The Omaha beach assault, the infiltration of the castle, they were all awesome, and lengthy. Why are publishers so stingy about the SP these days? Not everyone wants to play online...
Totally, MOHAA was a gem... dunno why publishers (who kinda force the devs) nowadays wanna make a game like "modern warfare / 2", even that'll wear out now if i were to be asked.
Actually fps are more popular as a online game specially the war based ones.Making a singleplayer mode short serves two purpose at one time.
1.The multiplayer and singleplayer fps lovers are more than only singleplayer fps lovers.Multiplayer is more challenging as you face human opponents..
2.Their sales will increase you know why.

Optional:- multiplayer also easily stretches the game if more maps provided it becomes more interesting.
Releasing new maps as addons later for these games are easy.
Agreed, but the way things are going, there won't be a SP in coming years :/ also there's too much of the same...

OT, MOH was way below my expectations, SP or MP :(

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I completed the ATV mission last night. So far I think it's pretty decent. Visuals are good in some places, while reflect poorly with streaming textures in others. Voice acting is average and same goes for the soundtrack. The thing which really blew me away was the sound effects, which were surreal. I'd recommend playing it in 5.1 and this will blow your brains off.

For people wanting to play it with a 360 controller, it's not natively supported. You can navigate the menu items, but can't select anything. In-game controls are assigned properly, but no button prompts are available.
Oh no , my keyboard is dying.So i saw many reviewers saying the game seems very easy
It's easy-peasy. The levels that I played, hardly had large enemy concentration. The only ones to watch out for are; RPG, snipers & Heavy machine gunners. Plus you have an abundant supply of ammo from your team mates.
You have to have low ammo to get more ammo. And you can't get ammo for guns you pick up in the field. Only those which you are carrying at the beginning of the mission.

Overall a decent game. But they tried too much to be like Modern Warfare. The graphics could have been much better, I am still wondering why did EA not use the Frostbyte Engine in the Single Player ? Would have been so much better.
PhOeNiX said:
You have to have low ammo to get more ammo. And you can't get ammo for guns you pick up in the field. Only those which you are carrying at the beginning of the mission.
Which is pretty obvious as the enemy weapons are dropped when they die, so you can just run over them to obtain their ammo.

jojothedragon said:
does the game support x360 controller?
Yes it does, but not natively.
I'm getting lot of tearing even though Vsync is on.
Vsync is set at 62fps instead of 60 for some odd reason.
How do I fix this?

Okay I got it run at 60 in Dx9 mode, but How do I get it to run in Dx11?
I can't find any settings.ini
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