Media Tagger - Suggestions Needed

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I recenty updated my music collection with loads and loads of files from different sources, but most of them are either incorrectly or incompletely tagged with information like Album, Artist and AlbumArt being unavailable. Tried FixTunes , which though is pretty nice, but is a pay and use software only. Any suggestions on alternatives ?
PhOeNiX said:
I recenty updated my music collection with loads and loads of files from different sources, but most of them are either incorrectly or incompletely tagged with information like Album, Artist and AlbumArt being unavailable. Tried FixTunes , which though is pretty nice, but is a pay and use software only. Any suggestions on alternatives ?

Try mp3tag.
Freeware, and the developer is really friendly. I mailed him a couple of requests (I needed support for some proxy server my college was using) and he put the changes into the next update.
Already started using it before this post :P. Though not as great as FixTunes in simplicity, it does the job. But have to club songs from an album together (How can one do that when they are untagged) or else have to tag one file at a time. Doesn't work for some files though.
Hopefuly they are in album folders ?

Its the correcting bit that has me intrigued. I think musicbrainz offered something like that but not sure, by using fingerprints to identify the tracks.
Have heard of Picard, but thought it wasnt that good. Will try it anyways. will try the other options too and compare and select the best one. :)
PhOeNiX said:
Already started using it before this post :P. Though not as great as FixTunes in simplicity, it does the job. But have to club songs from an album together (How can one do that when they are untagged) or else have to tag one file at a time. Doesn't work for some files though.

U just have to select all files in the album using Ctrl+A and then right click > properties and then change it for all. Dats it...
That works if all the files of that Album/Artist are in an order. Not if they are strewn all over the place in gazillion different folders :P

BTW Clown_abhi , in MediaMonkey , when you update the info using web, do you have to do that individually for all files/albums ? or can you just set it up , and it will get the info for all files, like in fixtunes ? Coz its getting tiresome, and i've not even finished the numerical part of the listing, let alone get to A's and B's.
Right now using MediaMonkey. As i mentioned, it's tiresome, as i need to lookup each and every track/album and then choose the stuff i want. Though it does what i want, its very inefficient. FixTunes had a "Look Up" option ,where it automatically looked up all your listed songs, and found the ones that matched the database. All i need to do is wait for the process to finish, and then select all those which are matched up right and fix them. Remaining can be done manually.
Winamp's batch tagger is pretty good, except for the dozen or so songs that it mistags every hundred. I used it to retag a bunch of files off a dead iPod, and it only got about 10% wrong, which I manually corrected.
Well Phoenix,

What i do is when i get a new album, I just open mediamonkey, select all songs from the album and then edit the metadata for all songs at one go and i am done in like a minute with adding all album art and everything.
See that simplifies things. But in ur case it seems like songs are scattered everywhere and how to organize that using Mediamonkey...Sorry...:ashamed:
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