Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - Discussion Thread

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Any news on the PC version?

Nothing concrete, as far as release date goes, but they are working on it.

^^ Lol thanks.:D I am excited about the boss battles mainly. Its been long i have played any good hack n slash. Hope it lives by the expectations.

This is probably the best hack-n-slash I have played this year. Boss battles are one of it's strongest aspect. Each fight is filled with different ways to block/parry/attack. Wait till you hit the final boss battle. I got ripped to shreds on Normal, not sure how difficult it is on Hard, but with the right upgrades, you should be able to pull through. Else, it's going to be relentless.
Hmmm.....the monsoon boss fight is really challenging. Parrying spam and counter attacking spam to the max required as a skill. Then also its quite difficult to parry his all moves.
Can't find it on steam. It's supposed to be on sale (33% off) right now. Got a sinking feeling it may not be available in our region.
Can't find it on steam. It's supposed to be on sale (33% off) right now. Got a sinking feeling it may not be available in our region.
I got some more good news for you! Revengeance was introduced in Steam with a new flag that prevents cross region trading and gifting. So there is a high chance that of it is not available in Steam in India, it will also not be tradable or giftable from another region to India.
I got some more good news for you! Revengeance was introduced in Steam with a new flag that prevents cross region trading and gifting. So there is a high chance that of it is not available in Steam in India, it will also not be tradable or giftable from another region to India.
Well that's a shame. But I just received a key for HearthStone today, so not feeling too bad!
How did you get that info anyway?
Well, the PC port is out. There are some hit and some misses. Resolution seems to be locked at 1080p, although Durante is working on it. There is no FOV slider, but I didn't expect it to have one. The game itself apparently runs quite smoothly and the looks better than the console version. Anyone getting it on the PC? It's even available in the Indian Steam store, so I think the region restrictions have been removed.
I have not played a single Metal gear game on PC or on any console.
Can I start with this directly or should I play any other related game first?
Is there any relationship between the story of revengeance and other Metal gear games.
Sorry for not playing such an insane game series :(:(
I haven't touched a single Metal Gear game either and I loved the shit out of this game. There is no hardcore storyline to follow, so you can just pick up and slash away, so to speak.
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The games in this series i have played was metal gear solid and metal fear 2 solid snake.
Both were very good stealth based games. No idea when the series moved on to a action based gameplay.
This is a spin-off rather than a sequel. MGS 5 will be a true sequel with all the stealth and gadgets, check out the trailers.
I haven't touched a single Metal Gear game either and I loved the shit out of this game. There is no hardcore storyline to follow, so you can just pick up and slash away, so to speak.
Thank you :)
Good to know that it doesnt hany relation with the previous MGS games. Thats a huge sign of relief :)
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