Metal Gear Solid 1

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Hi friends,

Im playing Metal Gear Solid 1 on my pc. But I have two problems with this game.

1. Im unable to hear anything during the cut scenes :@ (except when the game starts), I can only read the conversation that gets displayed although the texts flicker. This happens only during the cut scenes , everywhere else the sound is fine.

2. The game doesn't save. The save option is there and I'm allowed to save but If I load the saved game it starts from the beginning of that stage :( . This is really annoying and much worse than the first problem I mentioned.

If any of you know how to solve this problem please let me know.

Thanks in Advance

The audio thing maybe a problem with your sound card drivers. Are they up to date? I had the same problem with Prototype and a driver update fixed that.

Dunno abt your second problem though. :)
Are you using the ripped version or downloaded from internet (torrent)? Go to the save files of the game and select the that folder and files and uncheck the Read only .

If this does not solve the problem - then try to get the full version Pc or Ps1
@satyanjoy: yeah i downloaded from internet, ill do as u say and see if the game saves, thank u. Thanks everyone
AFAIK the save game in MGS has always worked like that. It will allow you to save at any time on the codec but you always resume your game from the point where you entered that level.

Its not a glitch. It just works like that.

One of the many, many reasons I prefer Splinter cell over MGS.
@cellar_door: Oh.. I didnt know that, anyway thanks for enlightening me on that.

@speedyfreak : Yeah I had somehow missed this game , I had liked the game in the demo version and wanted to play, recently i got this.

I have fixed the sound problem and I think I have no choice but to start the game from the start of the level. Thans for all the replies.
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