This Thursday, THQ will premiere Enter The Metro, a live action short film with ties to Metro: Last Light. We’re only three days away from the reveal, prompting THQ to release a teaser for the upcoming project.
Depicted in the trailer are humans, panicking on the surface. These events had to have taken place before Metro: Last Light and its predecessor, Metro 2033 – otherwise it would be impossible to survive on the surface without a gas mask and other protective gear. This confirms our speculations that the teaser will tell the backstory of the Metro universe and the events that caused the Russians to retreat to the subway tunnels of Moscow.
A man is also shown patrolling a subway station, and he appears to be the center of not only the teaser, but the whole film. Due to the way he his clothed and the weapon he his holding, it is likely that he is a soldier. During the teaser he looks to the top of an escalator, and as the camera pans up viewers can see the Russian sky. We suspect that this man was on normal patrol duty when he heard the commotion coming from outside, though that would not explain why the subway is so empty.
However, in the novel Metro 2033, there is a moment when main character Artyom recalls a childhood memory, one of he and his friends attempting to visit the surface through an area called the Botanical Gardens. They are unable to close the gate on their way out, and it is assumed that this is why the Metro has become infested with monstrous creatures. It’s possible that these are the same locations, as the novel mentions a long escalator ride to get to the Botanical Gardens, and the exit depicted in the trailer can only be reached by a long escalator.
The most prominent part of that image is definitely the radio in the top half. The window shows a building opposite the viewer, and it’s difficult to tell whether or not we are looking at an image that pre-dates the events of Metro: 2033, as the building looks to be intact –without a full view, it’s hard to be sure. Likely the radio will play an important role in the trailer, probably showcasing people trying to communicate as the world around them falls apart.
I can’t say that I’m entirely happy with knowing the backstory of the Metro franchise, which used to be a fun little mystery — like not knowing the origins of the Xenomorphs in Alien. In any case, I’m still excited to see the film, and even more excited to play the game next year.
The full Enter The Metro short film will debut on May 24th.