Season Pass will cost $14.99 / £11.99 / €14.99 / 1200 MSP
· The ‘Faction Pack’ includes three original single player missions, each casting the player as a different specialist from the warring Factions. Returning to some classic locations from Metro 2033, these missions feature new weapons, the return of a truly terrifying mutant foe, and offer three distinct gameplay challenges.
· The ‘Tower Pack’ presents a unique experience for seasoned Metro gunslingers – a challenge based game mode, with online Leaderboard support, as players fight their way up the combat simulator known as The Tower
· The ‘Developer Pack’ boasts a fully stocked Shooting Gallery, the AI Arena and Metro Museum… And a bonus solo mission – The Spiders’ Nest – offers some new tools for dealing with an infestation of the skittering Spider mutants
· Lastly the Chronicles Pack will feature original single player missions that cast the player as three of the game’s standout characters – Pavel, Khan and Anna – and explore their side-stories away from Artyom’s adventure.