Micromax Funbook (Allwinner A10 based tablets) Discussion Thread

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I bought the funbook end of june whihc was manufactured in june woith base band1.2. initially it was giving me warning at 15% for batter low ansd shutting down at 3-4%. but gradually it is shutting down at varous battery levels of 15%, 20% and some times even at 25-30%. lately havent seen it going beloe 20 before shut down. so shutting donw mostly at 20%. so as per the advice of people in thinkdigit, i installed, superuser, android terminal and ES file explorer to install CWM and then in recovery mode wiped the battery stats hoping for the problem to solve. Please note that i am having the stock rom provided by micromax on the tab.

So these are the steps i followed.

1) charged my tab to 100% and left the charger on.
2) rebooted into recovery using CWM and went into advance to wipe battery stats.
3) booted again noramlly and removed the charger.

This was done yesterday. but in the night it again got switched off at 20%. I also installed some battery calibaration app, and done the calibaertion using them. Still have to see the results fo this step.

But can somebody advice me of any other way to correct it.

Also, I have installed CWM just to solve this problem. Would it void warrnaty if i take my tab to service centre. If yes what is the way to remove CWM from the tab. I have backed my tab before wiping the battery stats in recovery. But i am afraid that backup would have CWM in it.
Nice post but cwn will not void your warranty. Cwn is just recovery console just like ms-dos in windows (correct me if i am wrong). I think the battery problem is something related to new baseband. My funbook has no problem reletated to battery. What you can do is flash with custom rom i.e. cyanbook 0.4 by karndev :-) then see the problem persists or not!
20% is still fine.

Mine came down from 25% to 6% (I didn't wait I started charging).

not able to understand you. did you mean that now your funbook is switching off at 6%. and you are not waiting till 6% to recharge

---------- Post added at 10:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:10 PM ----------

Nice post but cwn will not void your warranty. Cwn is just recovery console just like ms-dos in windows (correct me if i am wrong). I think the battery problem is something related to new baseband. My funbook has no problem reletated to battery. What you can do is flash with custom rom i.e. cyanbook 0.4 by karndev :-) then see the problem persists or not!

thanks for your suggestion, but right now i am burning down my tab to see of any manufacturing defects. thats why hesitant of flashing.
i am afraid something went wrong in terms of hardware with custom rom on it, then it will not be covered under warranty
I mean. Earlier it switched off at 25%. (Originally when I bought it, it was 12%).

Now after wiping battery stats (after full charge) after flashing Cyanbook 0.4, my Funbook is still operating at 6% charge. I didn't wait for it to die (so I didn't find out the lowest it would go).
You are welcome dude..
comp@ddict You can install Custom Roms. NO problem. Flash CWM and install them.
Do a Backup of your current state via CWM and then install JetRom.
Whenever you run into issues or go back to stock, flash Stock ROM via ODIN or Flash stock via CWM and uninstall CWM :)

how to unintall CWM
Its long story man. Will tell you through pm :)

---------- Post added at 05:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:36 PM ----------

Here's more screenshot of Cyanbook 0.4 ROM :)






how you got the number with the batter in the bottom, my cyanbook doesnot diplay number, plus what is you memory status, is it showing 512 mb?

---------- Post added at 04:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:17 PM ----------

Also, the zoom of the camera is not working
Setting>system>Battery system style>click on percentage option.
And I don't know the why the zooming is not working but why you want to zoom with 0.3 mp camera :D
how you got the number with the batter in the bottom, my cyanbook doesnot diplay number, plus what is you memory status, is it showing 512 mb?

---------- Post added at 04:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:17 PM ----------

Also, the zoom of the camera is not working

Camera zoom and paranorma mode will probably never work (with cyanbook)
Camera zoom and paranorma mode will probably never work (with cyanbook)

thanks buddy for the clarification. just installed cyanbook, and i must thank you for the hard work. i also hope that it solves my early shutdown problem which is happening in stock rom

---------- Post added at 11:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 PM ----------

Setting>system>Battery system style>click on percentage option.
And I don't know the why the zooming is not working but why you want to zoom with 0.3 mp camera :D

thanks buddy
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