Linux Microsoft’s Best Buy Lies About Linux Debunked

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Dark Star

SO M$ is on the verge of releasing the so called best os ever :P . No pun intended :P Anyway , MS is trying to do hard work by giving free copies , low rates to students and many more.. But whats more ? ... Do you expect MS to stop here ? Naah !

So MS did created some slide show for the Best buy customers which shows how bad Linux is :P .






[table="head"] Pwnage 1 | 2 | 3

| | [/table]

I mean wasn't PSing their employ image [removing a black skin employ face and replacing it with white ] enough pwnage that they came up with this :P

Anyway I still wonder why they consider Linux as the competition? Apple paying them for not mud sliding Mac :P

Someone please send a copy of Ubuntu to Mr Ballmer . Its free and they don't even charge shipping :lol:

More Images and source : Microsoft attack Linux at the retail level. (Probably not 56k friendly) - - | |
To each his own.. I agree with most statements in the slideshow except for a few like "which is safer". And I don't see anywhere mentioned that Linux is bad. Rather, it just shows that Windows 7 is great and that is something you expect any advertiser to do.

To me, Windows 7 has been the most complete and satisfying OS till date. (Before anyone jumps the gun, I have tried out various flavours of Linux for varying periods of time, before ultimately returning to XP in the past and Win7 now due to various issues).
There is nothing wrong in comparing own products with other. Its just business.

Firefox shows comparison between IE and firefox.
Printers and scanners compatibility = Many???

What kind of cr@p is that? I installed Windows 7 RTM and my scanner doesn't work anymore. It used to work with Vista as I used XP drivers but it just refuses to work in Windows 7. I tried every trick in book like allowing unsigned drivers...installing in compatibility mode but nothing works! This is just a blatant lie!!!

OTOH my 500rs ka webcam and old scanner works fine in Opensuse 11.1. Just plug and play...nothing more...nothing less. I don't even want to go security features and updates.
_abhay_ said:
Printers and scanners compatibility = Many???
What kind of cr@p is that? I installed Windows 7 RTM and my scanner doesn't work anymore. It used to work with Vista as I used XP drivers but it just refuses to work in Windows 7. I tried every trick in book like allowing unsigned drivers...installing in compatibility mode but nothing works! This is just a blatant lie!!!

OTOH my 500rs ka webcam and old scanner works fine in Opensuse 11.1. Just plug and play...nothing more...nothing less. I don't even want to go security features and updates.

Actually, that is one of the truths. Windows 7 has support for many hardware devices (scanners, printers, whatever). Many does not equate all :cool2: !
Naga said:
Actually, that is one of the truths. Windows 7 has support for many hardware devices (scanners, printers, whatever). Many does not equate all :cool2: !
That is true if you compare Windows 7 to Windows Vista but that comparison is between Windows 7 and Linux...and to top it all they say that Linux does not support as many devices. That in my opinion is nothing but a blatant lie!
I am the first person to support Linux, but while we may not like it, many of the things listed are true or exaggerations of the truth. For the non-techie who will be reading these adds, they are probably better off with Windows anyway ;)
im happy that windows is making efforts to convince customers towards linux.. it was the other way around few years back..

the matter of the fact is that most of the linux users already have experienced windows and despite they choose linux...the slide shows are worthless for these users.

iPod, MP3 support??

i did not know iPods work without 3rd party s/w on MS...if it is not so then it does not deserve to be on that list..

And about linux updates and upgrades....(ubuntu in question)

it offers updates for all components..including the installed softwares (if present in repository)

is it then hard to maintain the system update from one place?

Windows Live support for linux ??? are they kidding ?
IMO.. i personally think that Apple is becoming more evil than Microsoft.. Apple takes everything from Open Source.. and except for Webkit, they don't give anything back.. and look at their devices.. all locked.. I think now Tuxboys should also start attacking Apple... time to Think Different
It's all Marketing BS.

While Windoze 7 is definitely getting rave reviews (why ? because the baseline for comparison is Vista, which most Windoze users claim is the crappiest of s/w - so 7 looks like an improvement - much like today's stock market scenario ;)

Some things which are questionable / facts twisted :

Camera, Ipod, MP3 compatibility : Linux does this out of the box with ubuntu. Sure, the jazzy/slow apps that come on the disk with the camera/mp3 player may not work on linux, but then the are NOT REQUIRED in most cases. Just plug in the device, and it works. And on the subject of cameras, exif info is imported by default with linux apps like f-spot/gthumb. I remember some Windows apps where this did not happen.

For IPOD, I am not sure, but I have used the initial ipods with Linux by just copying files onto the disk - no issues. Not sure if things have changed.

Printer and Scanner compatibility - most have excellent driver support with linux. Especially HP.

Games, Software compatibilty - Agree, support may be a bit of a problem for serious (or even casual gamers). I use Virtualbox to host a guest Windows session under linux. Works fine and is fast, for Office etc which cannot be avoided at work. There is a lot of openGL work that has gone into Virtualbox recently, so with a sufficiently powerful computer casual gamers *might* be able to switch to Linux + Windows under VB.

Authorized support - yeah, Linux doesn't have "authorized" support. It is more of "open" support, freely available on a million sites (including TE ;))

Video with IM : Work is being done here. Skype supports it I think. Recent pidgin IM client (for all IM networks) added support for Gtalk Video and Voice. More coming soon.

Slide 3 : Ubuntu has hundreds of updates a month :

Probably true. But this is a good thing, not bad ! You are getting the latest and greatest software / drivers / security fixes. Comparing it with "Windows 7" updates is not correct, as Ubuntu updates are for the OS + APPS.

As far as the OS/Kernel is concerned, the updates are not many.

All in all, to each his own, but Linux does provide excellent choice and user experience. It is not for everyone yet, but thanks to Ubuntu/Fedora distro enhancements, it is well within the reach of the average user who does not have esoteric requirements for gaming, cad, etc.
abhinavmodi said:
Games, Software compatibilty - Agree, support may be a bit of a problem for serious (or even casual gamers). I use Virtualbox to host a guest Windows session under linux. Works fine and is fast, for Office etc which cannot be avoided at work. There is a lot of openGL work that has gone into Virtualbox recently, so with a sufficiently powerful computer casual gamers *might* be able to switch to Linux + Windows under VB.
Most newer games use Direct X. Also why would anyone run games in a virtual env. when they are going to get LESS performance ? :S

Authorized support - yeah, Linux doesn't have "authorized" support. It is more of "open" support, freely available on a million sites (including TE ;))
Telling people to "google it" isn't the same as a professional person dedicated to solving specific problems :p

I like Linux, but realistically its still meant for people who like to tinker around their OS and are not afraid of having to fix stuff occasionally by dropping to the command line. Linux is perfect in the server room, partly because servers are maintained by professional sys admins and not average users.

Just my $.02
The only point is agree with is gaming , rest is all cr@ppy marketing jargon

and the one fact which pwns eerything which microsoft said is that linux is FREE , you dont have pay friggin hundreds of dollars for the OS
kapilk said:
Most newer games use Direct X. Also why would anyone run games in a virtual env. when they are going to get LESS performance ? :S

Agreed, for windows games it is not an ideal choice. I indicated that. Apologies if that did not come through clearly enough.

kapilk said:
Telling people to "google it" isn't the same as a professional person dedicated to solving specific problems :p

What are the typical problems we are talking about here ? There is a help system which is as good as (or maybe better than) windows. As far as professional support is concerned, it is available too these days.

kapilk said:
I like Linux, but realistically its still meant for people who like to tinker around their OS and are not afraid of having to fix stuff occasionally by dropping to the command line. Linux is perfect in the server room, partly because servers are maintained by professional sys admins and not average users.

Yes, the mention of Linux evokes this exact image in the mind :) However, things have changed with the recent distros. Realistically, it is usable as much by your average person for browsing / email/chatting, but for the fact that the above stereotype that linux is for geeks only, exists !
As a non-technical guy, I feel that Ubuntu is not so user friendly. It may be secure, free and Open Source but where does the talk of the User Experience. How does a free license matter to me when I can't even figure out how to use the software?

Damn, I can't even install softwares on it.. Installing Firefox or any other software is much more easier in Windows. Atleast you can fidget your way around and atleast learn how it works! And application compatibility is a major issue. As a Finance student, I can't use the "Office Suite" by the name of, which is a poor rip-off of MS-Office, which is far too better.

As for the normal Layman like my Father or my Mother, who were born years before the Idea of Linux even came to mind to Linus Torvalds, they don't even care what the license says. They are happy to use an operating system that looks decent and is made for normal day to day usage and isn't so difficult to learn. They don't even care what the FOSS movement about.

PS: I like the FOSS movement, however, I think that Linux coders should start making an OS that runs at the click of a mouse and isn't so complex to understand. MS as a monopoly will still make huge Operating Profits until there's a credible alternative, which will only happen if the OS created by Google/Linux is more user friendly..
TheBroker said:
As a non-technical guy, I feel that Ubuntu is not so user friendly. It may be secure, free and Open Source but where does the talk of the User Experience. How does a free license matter to me when I can't even figure out how to use the software?

Damn, I can't even install softwares on it.. Installing Firefox or any other software is much more easier in Windows. Atleast you can fidget your way around and atleast learn how it works! And application compatibility is a major issue. As a Finance student, I can't use the "Office Suite" by the name of, which is a poor rip-off of MS-Office, which is far too better.

As for the normal Layman like my Father or my Mother, who were born years before the Idea of Linux even came to mind to Linus Torvalds, they don't even care what the license says. They are happy to use an operating system that looks decent and is made for normal day to day usage and isn't so difficult to learn. They don't even care what the FOSS movement about.

PS: I like the FOSS movement, however, I think that Linux coders should start making an OS that runs at the click of a mouse and isn't so complex to understand. MS as a monopoly will still make huge Operating Profits until there's a credible alternative, which will only happen if the OS created by Google/Linux is more user friendly..

firefox comes bundled as default browser in many linux distros...ubuntu for one.

installing software can be done with clicks.
but over a period of time one begins to understand that several software can installed and updated in lower number of clicks than what one might require over windows. (package managers)

if you require all in one OS... look for mandriva, fedora or Linux Mint(modified ubuntu)
TheBroker said:
As a non-technical guy, I feel that Ubuntu is not so user friendly. It may be secure, free and Open Source but where does the talk of the User Experience. How does a free license matter to me when I can't even figure out how to use the software?

Damn, I can't even install softwares on it.. Installing Firefox or any other software is much more easier in Windows. Atleast you can fidget your way around and atleast learn how it works! And application compatibility is a major issue. As a Finance student, I can't use the "Office Suite" by the name of, which is a poor rip-off of MS-Office, which is far too better.

Installing Softwares is very hard in Linux:P

As for the normal Layman like my Father or my Mother, who were born years before the Idea of Linux even came to mind to Linus Torvalds, they don't even care what the license says. They are happy to use an operating system that looks decent and is made for normal day to day usage and isn't so difficult to learn. They don't even care what the FOSS movement about.

PS: I like the FOSS movement, however, I think that Linux coders should start making an OS that runs at the click of a mouse and isn't so complex to understand. MS as a monopoly will still make huge Operating Profits until there's a credible alternative, which will only happen if the OS created by Google/Linux is more user friendly..

Its just that you(incl your mom + dad) have been doing things the windows way. so when you get uncomfortable with a particular way of doing things and when you are presented with a alternative method of doing the same thing(which may be better), we would certainly resist change. its a human nature

Trust me, I have tried and tested this. My friend - A hardcore windows user was given linux for a month. he reaction was just as yours.But I gave Linux to my granny who knows very little about computers, linux was the same learning curve as required in windows. so your argument that "linux is hard to use" holds no ground.
madnav said:
firefox comes bundled as default browser in many linux distros...ubuntu for one.

installing software can be done with clicks.
but over a period of time one begins to understand that several software can installed and updated in lower number of clicks than what one might require over windows. (package managers)

if you require all in one OS... look for mandriva, fedora or Linux Mint(modified ubuntu)

Well, I just wanted to update my Firefox on ubuntu, downloaded and couldn't install it. Tried meddling but to no avail. It was a tar.bz2 file. I couldn't find much help on how to use it!

Gaurish said:

Nice sarcasm! :P

Gaurish said:
Its just that you(incl your mom + dad) have been doing things the windows way. so when you get uncomfortable with a particular way of doing things and when you are presented with a alternative method of doing the same thing(which may be better), we would certainly resist change. its a human nature

Trust me, I have tried and tested this. My friend - A hardcore windows user was given linux for a month. he reaction was just as yours.But I gave Linux to my granny who knows very little about computers, linux was the same learning curve as required in windows. so your argument that "linux is hard to use" holds no ground.

See that's the problem with Linux. Getting people to move to Linux will be possible only when the learning curve is reduced. People are now used to using Windows so much, it's difficult to get people to learn a new thing altogether. Till then, users in Linux can keep cribbing how much Linux is good and secure and Windows Sucks. And of course, if drivers for file formats such as mp3 need to be downloaded, who will even bother downloading the driver and then listen to his favourite song? This was one of the things that peeved me off against using Ubuntu for the first time and I lacked an internet connection at that time.

Once you are used to the easy way of life in Windows, why would anyone settle for anything that makes life complex. Linux needs to create something more user friendly if it's gotta make an impact.

And I have atleast some idea about OSes, my Mom and Dad don't! Linux if it's got to make a real impact has to be friendly to all, not just me!
TheBroker said:
Well, I just wanted to update my Firefox on ubuntu, downloaded and couldn't install it. Tried meddling but to no avail. It was a tar.bz2 file. I couldn't find much help on how to use it!

that's the problem.. you downloaded it manually..

and the source needs to be compiled..

just use the package manager and it will update automatically to the latest stable release :)

i know how hard it can be to search and download and compile and install...and still not have the desired...but then i realized that package managers handle is very well.. :)

Gaurish said:


Gaurish said:
Its just that you(incl your mom + dad) have been doing things the windows way. so when you get uncomfortable with a particular way of doing things and when you are presented with a alternative method of doing the same thing(which may be better), we would certainly resist change. its a human nature

yes i completely agree on this..

to verify this.. just start using a different media played on your existing OS..

that is..if you use winamp/wmp/iTunes... then try a player that you have never tried before..

you will think it sucks although it may sound the same... (most of us would feel the same)
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