mid range gaming rig

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My friend already had 1tb seagate drive, which meant 40K would for the remaining components. We decided to use this amount to get a better gpu and probably cpu. We bought the following

Biostar A3+ 6.1K
2 x 2gb ddr3 transcend 3.2K
cm 690 4.8K

leaving 26K for cpu + cpu + psu. We confirmed the availabilty of 4770 sapphire. Should we go with that? we want 4770 crossfire setup. And we are considering p2 x3 720. Or should we stick with x2 550?
2 x sapphire 4770 14K
p2 x3 720 7.5K

would leave us with 4.4K for psu. :( which psu would enough for this setup?
corsair vx550? or tx650? We could save a bit with x2 and probably go with tx650. Suggestions please.
DevinWolf said:
nvidia runs cooler, better at rendering, awesome drivers.

IF you do folding@home a 9800gt would kill a HD 4870.

damngoodman said:
+1 for Nvidia GPU

Once u use nvidia & u go for ATI u will see the crap frm ATI , i use HD 4850 but its cool fast ,, but no strong graphics like GTX series

DevinWolf said:
nvidia GPU plz.

I wonder why people brought HD4XXX series so much and they are still selling like hot cakes... Damn you guys should have told them the fact :no:

Both giants have their ups and downs, quotting statement like after using nvidia ati will feel like crap is pure BS...

I would prefer nvidia due to strong drivers and Open graphics support but its not that ATI is full of crap stuff :|
^^+1, yup you are right. I agree with you. Both Nvidia and ATI are gud in their own ways, and hav some up and downs
i already used PALIT HD 4850 , it was really a good card i wont deny wen it comes eye candy the card really goes down i really like strong graphics when we are paying lot money for Grafix card atlwast we should need the Eye candy , ATI HD 4850 is fast even much faster the card i ever seen which can play any games with out single shattering , IMO paying 2K or 3K more for the cards should really good value HD 4850 satisfies me in playing just only seeing game when the strong quality in grafix of GTX 260 -- i vote for Nvidia
IMO , ATi drivers on Windows have improved remarkably , infact i like the catalyst more now then the nVidia drivers .. but as mentioned linux support is not good from ATi
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i agree with uday .. i have cards from both manufacturers and personally i prefer ati.

Nvdia's control panel layout just sucks. Cards dont even show temps for crying out loud..

Ati is nice and compact.. CCC starts quicker.. feels lighter and has all the information i will need. It even has a test OC option so that you can test the stability of you oc.

Nothing like that what so ever in nvidia.

Also ati rules in 3dmark 06 and nvidia rules in 3d mark vantage so yeah.. every company has its pros and cons...

I have not noticed any stability problems with my ati cards ever.. they have come a long way from what ccc was a year or so ago... very very stable.

My 295 is a very good card as well... runs cool.. has solid power.. and doesn't suck as much power as ati cards.

My 4870x2 scores more in 3d mark 06 than my 295 gtx. while its just the opposite with vantage.

Bottom line.. you cant cut your cake and eat it too.. you have to give up something to get something.. none of these cards/software is perfect..

Choose what you think you like and is better..:)

P.S. And can we please stop this my epeni* is bigger than yours talk please... this is getting boring....

cheers guys !!!
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damngoodman said:
actually ATI donot have linux support

Eh ? I have been using ATI HD3300 with Linux from the starting and except for slow development and support like X-video acc. nothing lacks here.. ATI works as good as nvidia in Linux..
this post is entirely from the perspective of gaming..

ati driver support is slipping and that's a fact. it is beyond ridiculous that they do not have custom profiles implemented yet, something that nvidia has had for ages. to play unreal engine 3 games, ati users still have to rename the executable for the game to ut3.exe. this was supposed to be a temporary fix for ue3 games 2 years ago but it has still not been taken care of till now. nvidia releases new drivers with profiles for every major game launch. ati can sometimes be weeks behind. then nv has physx which ati doesn't (not really their fault though) which means that physx enabled games will pretty much suck on ati as it's implementation becomes more popular (until nv open the standard). ati makes good products for sure... the 4870, 4890 are great vfm cards but their support afterwards is just sad.
Peace people.This isn't ATI vs Nvidea thread.
CPU Phenom II 720 BE for about 7.5k
GPU GTX 275 for about 14k.2XHD 4770 will beat GTX275 easily but remember single GPU is more stable and in many games crossfire doesn't give much performance increase.
PSU Corsair VX 550(5.5k) or GlacialPower AL650AA(4.5k).
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