Most Scariest PC Game.

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From what I have played FEAR hands down.

Also the Xen stages of HL1. I had a thing for heights back then (2000), so for me those were pretty scary.
Condemned: Criminal Origins
FEAR for being the most Spooky
HL2 Ravelhem and HL2: EP1 The tunnel sequence with Alex
kris30 said:
check out clive barker jericho and i think every one forgot silent hill. creepiest and one of the most cinematic experiences

Jericho is a disaster of a game. Its a good shooter, but bad as a scary game. With Undying as a measuring bar, Jericho is nothing.
Doom 3!! it scares the hell out of me!!
especially when suddenly the lights go out and u hear voices around u!! wow!:S
That always used to send cold shivers down my spine!!

I'm thinking of playing it again! will play tonight! awesome graphics though!:ohyeah: :hap2:

FEAR: Extraction Point - dunno exactly which stage it was, but it was one of the starting ones for sure!! When u enter the room the door shuts close and suddenly u r surrounded by stars(kinda) and horrific voices and sounds + shadows and all! honestly, i was about to get up and run away!! phew!!:ashamed:

I gotta check out RCTW, Call of Cthulhu and Undying!! seems they are even more horrific!!:S
But i guess to best experience the 'scary' factor i gotta play them after midnight with lights out!!;) :S
...ofcourse.. PAINKILLER IS REALLY SCARRY!!! Specially the Orphanage and all :O

..Jericho was depressing game :S
dont know how many of u played Thief 3 - Shalebridge Cradle level. That was the most scariest one...mainly for the atmosphere
Return to castle wolfenstein...

Doom 3.

Just started Doom 3 all over again... but this time in 1920x1200 Ultra quality and 16xAA.
pcgamer said:
dont know how many of u played Thief 3 - Shalebridge Cradle level. That was the most scariest one...mainly for the atmosphere

+1 to that

This level is the scariest part in my gaming history.
First the atmosphere.
Second the zombies cannot be killed with normal weapons, except they can killed through Holy water. And their availability is very limited. This forces the player to sneak, avoiding zombies.
lol!! Was there any light in DOOM3? was Pitch Black Doom!
thetoxicmind said:
DOOM 3..playing all alone was creepy! the lighting does most of the job!
Resident Evil 2 was creepy at certain stages.
nukeu666 said:
Is everyone too traumatized by "Thief 3 - The cradle" level to remember it?
the thing that makes thief 3 scary is its silent and creepy atmosphere. i really liked the game, was different and fun.

seems i have to try Call of Cthulhu too.

I am yet to play FEAR. I have have got it from a friend. Gonna try it. Anyway, as for scariest games, i'll say one. Its not 3D, its plain old 2D, its not even FPS. Its an old point-and-click adventure game.

Its got extremely immersive music, good dialogues (as in text, not speech) and characterization and all. At one point, there is this scene when this dud (ghost actually) in a welding mask and all walks in with a knife etc. When you think of it afterward, its kinda silly. But damn!!, I remember the chill I got running down my spine. I kinda froze for a moment there. The game was either 5 Days a Stranger or its sequel, I don't really remember which one. Its only like 1.22 Mb and 1.44Mb respectively .. and is free:

5 Days a Stranger

7 Days a Skeptic -> sequel

Oh well.. maybe its just me :) . I found those underground levels in HL2 Ep1 with all those dang zombies a little scary too. Now I have got to the part in Halo: Combat Evolved where you are supposed to get really surprised and a little scared. I have already seen some freaky green stuff dripping from the roof and some really wierd looking Covenant corpses.
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